Capabilities-based transformative distance and online learning pedagogy for social Justice


Dr Lydia Mbati

University of South Africa

Dr Lydia Mbati is a Senior Researcher in the Institute for Open and Distance Learning, University of South Africa. She holds an M.Ed in Educational Technology and D.Ed in Curriculum Studies. Dr Mbati has published widely on technological media and pedagogy in international peer reviewed journals. She has presented papers at numerous international conferences on online learning pedagogy and practice. she currently serves as a reviewer for a number of Web of Science publications and as part of the scientific committee of a number of international conferences. Her research interests include technology driven change in higher education in general and online learning in particular; mobile learning; pedagogy and transformative teaching and learning.


The need to design instruction that is representative of a diverse student population is gaining traction in the field of curriculum design. This presentation sheds light on enhancing social justice through the use of the capabilities approach and critical pedagogy in distance and online learning. An overview of pedagogical practices in online and distance learning is viewed through the lens of the capabilities approach as a framework for enhancing social justice. The presentation provides direction in designing instruction for diverse students with a focus on epistemological approaches. The presentation concludes with an explanation of a transformative pedagogical framework that re-aligns the social justice role of higher education in ODeL learning programmes. This can be achieved by rethinking content formation, content dissemination and technological use in distance and online learning contexts (Garuba, 2018).

Presentation & Resources