Leveraging technology to enhance teaching and learning: A narrative case for College of Economic and Management Sciences (CEMS) at Unisa


Mr Nicky Tjano

University of South Africa

Mr. Nicky Tjano is a substantively appointed as a lecturer in the Department of Business Management at the University of South Africa and is also in a secondment position as a Technology-Enhanced Teaching Coordinator in the College of Economic and Management Sciences. He has been in the higher education environment since 2005 and has taught Economics, Business Management, Labour Relations and Financial Management as a tutor. In his role as a coordinator, he is responsible for supporting academics in identifying solutions and using tools for technology-enhanced teaching. He is also responsible for coordinating training of academics in the use of teaching tools whilst facilitating appropriate measures for change management in the College as far as technology-enhanced teaching and learning is concerned. He has completed a Master of Commerce (MCom) in Business Management with the University of Johannesburg (UJ). He’s currently pursuing a PhD in the Department of Finance at Unisa focusing on Corporate Governance of State-owned entities.


Leveraging technology to enhance teaching and learning: A narrative case for College of Economic and Management Sciences (CEMS) at Unisa Open Distance education (ODL) is arguably the fastest growing area of education globally, and its proliferation can be attributed to developments in technology and the support provided to students. Equally so, ODL institutions throughout the world are embracing advancements in technology within the higher education space to improve quality of teaching and learning. Technology is at the heart of education delivery and facilitation of learning. At the centre of this development is improving student support, which seems to be meaningful to ODL institutions owing to the transactional distance between the institutions and the students. Therefore, leveraging on the use of technology, for example through online discussion platforms and online assessments amongst others suggest available opportunities offered by the improvement in technology. Through a narrative case study approach, benefits and challenges associated with use of technology to enhance learning and student support will be unpacked. Testimony from academics who are using technology to enhance their teaching and learning will also form part of the presentation.