
The Myths and Magic of Educational Technology


Dr JP Bosman

Head: Centre for Learning Technologies

Stellenbosch University

Dr JP Bosman is currently Head of the Centre for Learning Technologies at Stellenbosch University (SU). He trained in the field of Theology, obtaining a Doctorate in Old Testament and then teaching at the Faculty of Theology, SU before becoming involved in academic development work. 

As part of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (SU), he worked as Senior Adviser e-Learning, being the university's coordinator for technology enhanced learning. In this time he also worked in the private sector as part of a start-up educational software company, Leaf Educational Designs. 

In October 2013, he became head of the newly formed Centre for Learning Technologies, a Centre that spearheads SU's new Strategy for the use of ICT in Learning and Teaching by being the home for all learning technologies employed at the university. 

His research interests are around blended learning, mLearning Literacy, and the pedagogy of place. 

He currently lives in Cape Town with his wife and two kids. 


Have you ever wondered if the following statements are true? EdTech will save you time. EdTech will make your life easier. EdTech will make more of your students pass. EdTech will make you a better lecturer. In this short workshop we will unpack some of the powerful, (and especially) not so powerful myths, around the use of ICTs and Social media in teaching and learning and also uncover some of the moments of magic that a meaningful and pedagogically informed use of EdTech can create. We will do some hands-on thought exercises as well as share some practical approaches and tools that can get you started on the magical side of things.