
Reflections on the Student Experience 


Ms Nadia Lemmetuis

Former Student

University of South Africa

Nadia Lemmetuis started her tertiary education at UNISA in 2006 and completed her first qualification (ND: Public Relations Management) in 2012. She was an intern in the Communications/Marketing Section at Unisa Western Cape in 2012 and immediately after obtaining her qualification started working as a temporary worker in the same section. In 2014 she was offered the position of Regional Communications Manager at the South African National Parks (SANParks). Nadia resigned from this position in June of 2018. She is currently a stay-at-home mom, still studying through UNISA. She will be completing the Post Graduate Certificate in Education in November 2018. Nadia Lemmetuis regards herself as a "lifelong learner" and will therefore continue to pursue further studies.

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