ME 180 - Mechanical Properties of Materials

Course Information

Information About Teacher

Rabindranath Bandy

Professor Bandy is, overall, a teacher with a unique teaching style. 

Bandy is a fast paced teacher that expects students to have done their homework and read the book before they come to class. 

Bandy is a practical teacher. He teaches the course through examples and usually covers the theory behind the examples. 

Bandy assigns, but does not collect, homework. All those who do the homework usually pass with A's. 

Bandy's quizzes/exams are taken (almost directly) from the home work. His exams are also very similar to his notes.

The Mechanical Behavior of Materials book is required and is used often in class. 

Patrick Homen

Professor Homen is, overall, a very good teacher. 

Homen is a practical teacher. He teaches the course through a deep knowledge base and makes sure that students really understand how to apply their knowledge to practical problems.

Homen does not assign homework, only lab papers. All those who do the lab and turn in their completed lab should get an A for this part of the course. Papers are not returned or given grades.

All lab background materials are usually posted a few days before the lab.

There is no book required for lecture.