About our Summer School

What is AAL?

Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is a term used to describe technology and processes implemented within home and care facilities to support the elderly with the intent to create a more natural environment to sustain healthy physical and mental health.

Existing examples rely on wearables and/or sensors embedded throughout the environment to track movement, detect changes in the individual's health status (through historical data analysis), alert carers of falls, and trigger interventions when needed.

Autonomous, interactive, and robotic technologies are increasingly proposed as part of these systems.

Robots can provide active monitoring as well as social and cognitive support, and take immediate action in case of medical emergencies.

What is the AAL Summer School?

The summer school has been designed to focus on key areas that are necessary to creating successful AAL projects.

Students will attend presentations from industry and care providers in addition to lectures on background theories and practical tutorials covering implementation and integration of sensing, Internet of Things, Linked Data, machine learning, and interactive and robotic technology.

The school will follow a strong learning by doing approach delivered in the form of a hackathon embedded throughout the three days. Students from multiple disciplines will have the opportunity to work together and interact with end-users, care organisations, care workers, psychologists, and healthcare experts. This will allow participants to see how the different technical elements of an AAL system can be linked together, and experience the full cycle of a participatory-design AAL project.

What will be covered?

The topics have been selected to cover the wide breadth of skills that are needed in a successful AAL project and include:

  • Sensing technologies
  • Linked data and knowledge representation
  • Human Activity Recognition (HAR)
  • Machine vision for scene understanding
  • Technology-enabled assessment and intervention
  • Social care robotics
  • Cognitive AAL systems
  • Reference architectures and software