
The growing availability of big data platforms and big data analytics tools [see AI and BI] is helping organizations gather and analyze data in search of valuable business information and insights that can help them improve their products and services.

Open Source is now the world's largest software industry. You measure its value in the savings people are making in license fees which add no value to the product and are purely a transfer of wealth from consumers to software vendors. Ref. Computer World.

Applications of AI: Expert systems, knowledge Engineering, data analysis and heuristics [classifying information in one of a fixed set of categories using several sources of information]. The World’s First Artificial-Intelligence Manager.

Free Cloud Computing and Google Apps Used: Docs, Drive, Fusion Tables, ReqView, GitHub, Kanbanchi, etc

Cloud Computing, Analytics, Free/Open Source, QMS, Machine Intelligence

Supported Systems:


OpenSource Software

Autocad, Catia alternatives

CRM [vs salesforce] , ERP [vs SAP, Oracle, MS Dynamics]

Smath Studio [vs Mathcad]

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015 new structure