Regular Membership in the 531 Gray Ghost Squadron is open to all those who have served in any era of Marine Aviation Squadron 531 and whose entire character of military service has been honorable, who are in good standing. Regular members, including Marines or members of other Armed Forces of the United States or its Allies, shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold office.

Associate Member is any person who has expressed an interest in Marine Aviation Squadron 531 or the 531 Gray Ghost Squadron and its goals who is also in good standing. Associate Members shall enjoy all rights and privileges as Regular Members, except they shall not be entitled to vote or to hold office. Associate Members will be considered Regular Members and granted the rights to vote and to hold office after their annual membership dues have been paid for the third consecutive year for as long as they remain in good standing.

Honorary Member, the term "Honorary Member" means and includes any person who has made a significant contribution to Marine Aviation Squadron 531 to the 531 Gray Ghost Squadron as recognized by the Squadron Board of Directors. This automatically includes spouses of deceased Regular Members except that they shall not be entitled to vote or hold office. Honorary Members shall not be required to pay dues unless they desire to receive the Ghost Lore publication. Honorary Members who pay dues will be considered Regular Members and granted the rights to vote and hold office after their annual membership dues have been paid for their third consecutive year for as long as they remain in good standing.

Member in Good Standing, Members are considered in "Good Standing" if their dues are paid up-to-date or are no more than 90 days late.

Membership Dues: 1 year = $ 15.00; 3 years = $ 40.00

Dues Year: 1 October - 30 September

Membership Chairman will send you a "Reminder Email" or call when your dues expire.

NOTE: Your membership expiration date is shown on your address label on your Ghost Lore publication.

Send your dues renewals or new memberships to: Gray Ghost Squadron Membership Chairman:

Richard LOWE

1166 E. Norwegian Street

Pottsville, PA 17901-3822