hEnergy Week

On Saturday 16th October, The Fownhope Carbon Reduction Action Group held an open afternoon in Fownhope Memorial Hall as part of Herefordshire’s own hEnergy week. Many friends and villagers helped or ran stalls and visitors enjoyed a film of the group’s energy saving activities including taking part in the H energy celebrations at The Green Dragon Hotel in Hereford on Wednesday 13th October. .

Fownhope CRAG takes part in the community celebration of ecological activities throughout Herefordshire.

Teas and cakes kept the eager visitors replenished as they wandered round the various displays.

John Whittal, a lecturer in sustainable farming at Hartpury College showed how he had insulated his house, inside and out and had installed a highly effective wood gasification boiler.

Jesse Allen talked to visitors about her MSc sustainable performing arts project where she undertook an eight day trek through the Cambrian Mountains engaging with whosoever she met on the way. Jesse had written a superb book on her experiences called “Tilting at windmills,” signed copies of which were eagerly snapped up.

Jane Straker was kept busy signing home owners up for a free energy performance visit. The fact that the average house can make savings of £380 a year meant that the home visits by crag members were very much in demand. The bottom up initiative started in Bishops Castle and is spreading throughout The Marches area.

Fownhope`s Caplor Energy were on hand to explain the feed in tariff and how a set of solar panels on the roof can make sure a householder is quids in for the next 25 years.

Chris Boivin was also able to explain the CRAG unique biomass ambitions.

Visitors to Fownhope CRAG open day learn about ecological activities in the village.