Home Page

Please note that this is an archived site of Fownhope's CRAG Group. It has been quickly migrated from Google's "Classic" site format before it went off line, but is really just a record of what CRAG did - the group itself has now been largely superseded by the Parish Council's Environment Group.

NEW - you can download a copy of our energy saving leaflet by clicking here.

Fownhope is a small village in Herefordshire with a population of just under one thousand. Towards the end of 2007 the Fownhope CRAG (Carbon Reduction Action Group) was established as local residents started to consider the impact of their own carbon footprints. We support each other in reducing those footprints, sharing skills and knowledge in lower carbon living and promoting awareness and practical action in the wider community. If you'd like to find out what your footprint is you might like to download the Carbon Calculator that you'll find here. It's very simple to use, you just enter your details into an Excel spreadsheet and it calculates your footprint for you. Besides monitoring our carbon useage we have also become involved in a number of related projects and you'll find out about those on this web site too. We're interested in alternative energy, decreasing our food miles, sustainability, and much more. You'll be able to find out what we've been doing, and what plans we have for the future, by exploring this site. The video on this page will also give you some idea of what we've been up to. We generally meet on the first Monday of the month in the Tesco Room above the New Memorial Hall. If you're interested in joining us you would be very welcome - just turn up on the night or, if you'd like to speak to us beforehand, you'll find our contact details on this site.

APPLE PRESSING DAY - you'll find all the information you need here