

・Seminar IV @筑波大学(MBA-IB, Spring AB)

・Seminar I @筑波大学(MBA-IB, Spring B)

・Seminar II @筑波大学(MBA-IB, Spring C, Fall A)

・Seminar V @筑波大学(MBA-IB, Spring C, Fall A)

・Seminar III @筑波大学(MBA-IB, Fall BC)

・ Business Project @筑波大学(MBA-IB, Fall BC)

■Research Sources

・Journal lists (SSCI, ABDC, ABS, SJR, FT Research Rank, etc.)

・University of Tsukuba Library (E-Journals / E-Books, Databases)

・Databases (EOL, FQ, ValueSearch, CSMAR, Toyo Keizai database (CSR, FDI), Forbes, DataStream, Mergent Online, Oriana, WVS, UNCTAD, GLOBE, CIA World Factbook, WDI, etc.)

・Software (Zotero, STATA, R, SPSS, EXCEL, Python) 

・Pitching Research (HPFaff's (2019, SSRN)

Video by UChicago Social Sciences: The Craft of Writing Effectively by Prof. Larry McEnerney. 

Learning materials: Python slides (in Japanese) by Prof. Jun Mitani.

Recommended books (in Japanese)

     クリストファーノーベス. (2021). ノーベス会計学入門 (水谷文宣, Trans.). 税務経理協会.     

     → ダンハーマン, ウェイントーマス, 井上達男, Thomas, W. B., & Herrmann, D. (2009). 会計制度の実証的検証. 中央経済社.

     中室牧子, & 津川友介. (2017). 「原因と結果」の経済学―――データから真実を見抜く思考法. ダイヤモンド社.

     中村亮介, & 河内山拓磨. (2018). 財務制限条項の実態・影響・役割. 中央経済社.

     中野誠, & 吉永裕登. (2020). マクロ実証会計研究. 日本経済新聞出版.

     日本公認会計士協会東海会. (2019). 実務から学ぶ会計のトレンド. 中央経済社.

     笠原晃恭, & 村宮克彦. (2022). 実証会計・ファイナンス: Rによる財務・株式データの分析. 新世社.

     須田一幸, 山本達司, & 乙政正太. (2007). 会計操作―その実態と識別法、株価への影響. ダイヤモンド社.

     首藤昭信. (2010). 日本企業の利益調整―理論と実証. 中央経済社.

     髙田知実. (2021). 保守主義会計: 実態と経済的機能の実証分析. 中央経済社.

     山口朋泰. (2021). 日本企業の利益マネジメント: 実体的裁量行動の実証分析. 中央経済社.

     山本達司. (2023). 財務会計のファンダメンタルズ. 中央経済社.

■Accounting Conference Information

・ JAR Conference (HP) (YouTube: 2020 D1 D2; 2021 D1 D2; 2022 D1 D2; 2023 D1 D2)

・ JAE Conference (HP) (YouTube: 2020 D1 D2; 2021 D1 D2)

CAR Conference (HP)

RAST Conference (HP)

・ MIT Asia Conference In Accounting (HP

・ SOAR Accounting Symposium (HP)

・ AAA Annual Meeting (HP)

・ EAA Congress (HP

EAR Annual Conference (HP)

・ CAFR Annual Conference (HP)

・ CJAR Annual Conference (HP)

・ International Conference of TJAR (HP)

International Symposium on Audit Research (HP)

・ 日本会計研究学会  (HP)

・ 国際会計研究学会  (HP)

■Program/Event Information

HKU-Ivey Executive Leadership Program in Data Analytics and Big Data (DABD) (HP)

CFA Institute Research Challenge (HP)

CFA Institute Ethics Challenge (HP)

InSPiR2eS Global Pitching Research Competition (HP)

■Reading Lists

SMU Top6 2015-2020 

Reading list SMU 2015-2020.pdf

■The UTD World Rankings of Business Schools Based on Research Contribution (TAR, JAE, and JAR) 2017-2020

The UTD World Rankings of Business Schools Based on Research Contribution (TAR, JAE, and JAR) 2017-2020.pdf

■The UTD World Rankings of Business Schools Based on Research Contribution (TAR, JAE, and JAR) 2020-2023

UTD Top 3 2020-2023_1-100.pdf
UTD Top 3 2020-2023_p2.pdf
UTD Top 3 2020-2023_p3.pdf
UTD Top 3 2020-2023_p4.pdf

・It was the best of time, it was the worst of time

■Research Q&A

・Q1: What is the difference between logistic and logit regression? (A1)

・Q2: When can you safely ignore multicollinearity? (A2)

・Q3: What are the Libby Boxes? (A3)

・Q4: Can Mahalanobis distance be negative? (A4)

・Q5: How to get the variance of residuals in a rolling regression? (A5)

・Q6: How to generate day of week by Stata? (A6)

・Q7: What is Poisson regression used to do? (A7)

・Q8: How to compare coefficients of two Independent samples based on Logit model? (A8)

・Q9: What is Endogeneity? (A9)

・Q10: How to run the regression with a large dummy-variable set? (A10)

・Q11: How to calculate N year rolling SD/Mean with Stata? (A11)

・Q12: How to run 2SLS regression with Probit in the first-stage regression with Stata? (A12)

・Q13: How to choice the personal pronoun in single-author papers? (A13)

・Q14: How to cite an accepted paper? (A14)

Q15: How to test U-shape? (A15)