■What happened

Award 2021 Research Encourage Award for Young Faculty Member, University of Tsukuba

Presentation @ the 12th International Conference of TJAR, November 2021

Congratulations Tsukuba Team (Clarence, Mikihiro, and Abhay) won the 1st runner up of CFA Ethics APAC Regional Final 2021.

Accepted Manuscript Chen, C., Gu, J. and Luo, R., "Corporate Innovation and R&D Expenditure Disclosures" has been accepted for publication in Technological Forecasting & Social Change (SSCI 2020 IF 8.593 Q1; ABDC-A)

Presentation @ JAA Virtual Annual Meeting 2021, September 2021

筑波大学エクステンションプログラム 2021年度CFAレベル1試験準備コース(秋期)受付期間 2021年10月17日まで (HP)

筑波大学エクステンションプログラム 2021年度CFAレベル2試験準備コース(秋期)受付期間 2021年10月17日まで (HP)

Accepted Manuscript Sakawa, H., Watanabel, N. and Gu, J., "The Internationalization and Voluntary Adoption of International Accounting Standards by Japanese MNEs" has been accepted for publication in Management International Review (SSCI 2019 IF 2.015 Q3; ABDC-A)

Congratulations Tsukuba Team (Clarence, Mikihiro, and Abhay) won the CFA Society Japan Ethics Challenge 2021, the first winner of the CFA Ethics Challenge in Japan.

Presentations @ AAA Virtual Annual Meeting 2021, August 2021

Presentations @ EAA Virtual Annual Congress 2021, May 2021

Accepted Manuscript Gu, J., "FDI Characteristics, Industry Homogeneity, and Audit Fees in Japanese Multinationals" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Multinational Financial Management (SSCI 2019 IF 1.965 Q2)

筑波大学エクステンションプログラム CFAレベル1試験準備コース 2021年4月16日(金)~7月30日(金)全16回 録画配信により開催(リアルタイムでの質疑応答会あり) (HP)

■MBA-IB Program @ University of Tsukuba’ s Tokyo campus (HP)

・ Admission schedule for AY2020 April enrollment has been released on University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus website (HP)

・ Open Campus for AY2020 April Enrollment: Saturday 13th April 2019 (HP)


・ CFAレベル1試験準備コース (HP)