■What happened

Publication Gu, J., & Z. Qiao "The Synergistic Effect of Direct and Indirect Methods in Fundamental Analysis: Evidence from Japan", Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Forthcoming. (SSCI IF 0.980; ABDC-B)

Publication Gu, J., 2019, "A potential risk of increasing cross-national distance: Evidence from less sustainable tax policies", Sustainability, 11(9), 2639. (SSCI IF 2.592)

Research Grant Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, "Empirical Research on Cross-national Distances and Firm Risks in Multinationals", (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19K13847 ), Apr 2019 - Mar 2022.

Presentation @ EAA 42nd Annual Congress, Paphos, Cyprus, May 2019

Attendance @ The 2019 MIT Asia Conference In Accounting, Hong Kong, China, July 2019

Presentation @ Lingnan University Research Seminar, Hong Kong, China, July 2019

Presentations & Discussions @ 2019 Annual Meeting of the AAA, San Francisco, U.S.A., August 2019

Presentation & Discussion @ NCU and Chubu JSME Research Workshop on Accounting & Finance, Nagoya, Japan, September 2019

Presentation @ 2019 Annual Meeting of the JAA, Kobe, Japan, September 2019

Presentation @ 31th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues , Warsaw, Poland, October 2019

New Course 01PC341 Accounting IV: Empirical Accounting Research @筑波大学(MBA-IB, Fall C, Wed 7-8)

■MBA-IB Program @ University of Tsukuba’ s Tokyo campus (HP)

・ Admission schedule for AY2020 April enrollment has been released on University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus website (HP)

・ Open Campus for AY2020 April Enrollment: Saturday 13th April 2019 (HP)

・ Tsukuba International Management Conference (HP)


・ CFAレベル1試験準備コース (HP)

・ ロジカル・シンキング入門 (HP)

・ ゼロから始めるビジネス・エスノグラフィ (HP)

・ 筑波大学STEAMリーダーシッププログラム第2期 (HP)