
■University of Tsukuba

・Empirical Accounting Research (MBA-IB Elective), 2019 - Present

・Financial Analysis (MBA-IB Elective), 2018 - Present

・Basic Accounting Theory (MBA-IB Core), 2017 - Present

・Managerial Accounting (MBA-IB Elective), 2017 - Present

Case Study Practice (MBA-IB Elective (one session)), 2021

Rikkyo University

Advanced Topics in Accounting (Graduate level), 2022

Module 5 Financial Analysis (Graduate level), 2022

Financial Statement Analysis (Undergraduate level), 2023, 2024

Basic in Accounting (Undergraduate level), 2023

■Nagoya University of Commerce & Business

・簿記学1(学部), 2016 - 2017

・簿記学2(学部), 2016 - 2017