15 Reasons to join the 15th

  1. We believe in preparing Young People with Skills for life. Bringing communities together to contribute to society. Above all we aim to build better futures.

  1. We’ve already be doing that for 106 years as a Group, and now have the privilege of delivering that at the heart of Botley in the new Botley Baptist Church Hall.

  1. Even during the pandemic, we have continued to meet, both online when in lockdown, and in person when safe and appropriate to do so.

  1. 2021 is looking a little different but it’s given us more time to plan. We have a day at an outdoor activity center reserved, trips planned and a return to camping out hoped for.

  1. When we camp, we do it in style, Greenfield style. This means we setup everything, from cooking to toilets to activities and leaving nothing behind.

  1. And we’ve had members attend international camps and jamborees across Europe.

  1. All of this is covered by over 250 badges.

  1. We work closely with those taking part with DofE, as we’re perfectly placed to help with the community and expedition parts.

  1. The facts are Scouts are physically active, value the outdoors, have the courage to try new things, gain skills to succeed regardless of academic ability, are happier, more resilient and confident, make good citizens, make strong friendships and respect differences in people, are responsible leaders and team players.

  1. Maybe that’s why we have Scout Ambassadors such as Bear Grylls and Kate Middleton to name but a couple.

  1. Oh, and Tim Peake. In fact, 66% of people who have been to space have been associated with Scouts. Including 10 of the 12 men to walk on the moon.

  1. But maybe I’ve gone a bit far from Botley. Here at the 15th, there have been more Prime Ministers than Scout Leaders, with the current leadership team having over 70 years Scouting experience between them.

  1. Ultimately, we aim to deliver fun and games, learning and social interaction. Outdoor experiences and teaching a wide range of skills.

  1. We meet on Fridays; both Cubs and Scouts. Contact details can be found on our contact us page

  1. We have space for new young members to join and really hope you join us on the Scouting journey.