
Traditional Malay Pelamin

Malay Traditional wedding dress

Haji Ibrahim explaining how to use traditional dessert equipment

The international tourist playing congkak with local tourist assisting by Haji Ibrahim

Some of the old item that can be found inside the Villa

All of the guests that used to come to the Villa will write their impressions on the Villa Sentosa.


After the tour Haji Ibrahim start QnA session at the l

Old newspaper article about Kampung Morten and Villa Sentosa

Mapping Concept

Concept mapping is a transformative resource. Among the concept mappings in Kampung Morten is replica houses consisting of various types of traditional houses in Malaysia.

Mapping Concept

Concept mapping is a transformative resource. Among the concept mappings in Kampung Morten is replica houses consisting of various types of traditional houses in Malaysia.

Mapping Asset

Kampung Morten has received the full attention of the Melaka government and was gazetted under the Cultural Heritage Conservation and Restoration Enactment in 1998 as a traditional village area. Residents of Kampung Morten have been given help to change their roofs to a uniform red color. The land of the Villa was also gazetted land.

Mapping Resource

Among the examples of resource mapping found in Kampung Morten are history, famous figures, and famous food in Kampung Morten, as well as pictures of important events that make the identity of the community in Kampung Morten, which is an attraction for the current generation as well as tourists who come. For example, one of the resource mappings we got was the family tree of Tuan Hj Hashim b Hj Abd Ghani, the founder of Villa Sentosa.

Mapping System

Mapping has a system as an example of how to make an item or process. Traditional game such as Congkak and Batu Seremban at Villa Sentosa is among the system mapping in Kampung Morten.