
Villa Sentosa is a house located in Kampung Morten, Malacca, Malaysia. Built-in the first quarter of the 20th century in a contemporary design style, the house was later turned into a private museum by its owner, Tuan Hj. Hashim bin Dato Demang Hj. Abdul Ghani.


Key location

Kampung Morten

Kampung Morten is located in the middle of Melaka town. It is about 15 minutes walk north of the historic city centre and located next to the Melaka River, one which is popular with its Melaka River Cruise. Since it is located in the middle, it is very near many attractions in Melaka. Kampung Morten is not affected by development modernization. It does not lose its identity as can be reflected in traditional style houses. Kampung Morten is a traditional Malay village of heritage significance and turned into a tourist attraction. The village has 100 lots and 128 houses. Kampung Morten has over 20 traditional old Malay houses, all with red zinc rooftops.

Location plan


Activities preceded the opening of Kampung Morten

At the beginning of the opening of Kampung Morten, most of the residents worked as 'Menadir' which transporting goods by boat from the ship and brought to land. In addition, the women were assigned to work cutting Nipah leaves to be used as cigarette leaves. Changes and the passage of time also changed the fate of the people in Kampung Morten and stimulated the economic development activities of the people of Kampung Morten. The Morten Village area was also once an area where merchant ships carried out "barter trade".

Land use

Around the area of Kampung Morten, most of the land use is dominated to be used as commercial areas. This commercial area offers a variety of businesses. In addition, Kampung Morten is very famous around the world for its unique name. It is located in the middle of the historic city of Melaka and is surrounded by the Melaka River.

In the area of ​​Morten village, there is an institutional area which is Sekolah Rendah Agama Kampung Morten which has been established for almost 10 years. The school is still in use now and it is also the main spot for the Morten village community to do various activities.

Most of the land use in Kampung Morten is a historic traditional Malay village in the city located near the Melaka River. the village is named after Frederick Joseph Morten, a colonial British administrator who helped resettle villagers to this area in the 1920s. The residential area of ​​Kampung Morten is inhabited by Malays only. This area is filled with traditional houses since 1923.

In this Kampung Morten area, there is a house that has been turned into a museum Villa Sentosa. It is probably the most interesting and well-preserved of all the houses in Kampung Morten and now serves as a private museum and is open to the public. It is known as the Museum of Malay Life.