
Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Learn more about how to identify, manage, and seek support.

Helpful Tools

Abdominal Breathing 

This can be really helpful before experiencing a particularly stressful event like taking an exam or giving a big presentation.

How to do it: Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Take a deep breath in through your nose, allowing diaphragm (not your chest) to inflate with enough air to create a slight stretching sensation in your lungs. Slowly exhale. Matching the count in through your nose and out through your nose (start with a 4 count and move up from there 6-8, as you get more used to it

4, 7, 8 Breathing 

Try this at night in bed when you can fully relax 

This is particularly helpful if you’re experiencing sleeplessness due to anxiety or worries about what happened today — or what might happen tomorrow. Swirling thoughts and concerns can keep us from being able to rest well. 

Box Breathing Technique

Manage your stress with this easy breathing exercise.

Headspace Mini Meditation

Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. 


Progressive Muscle Relaxation

A deep relaxation technique that has been effectively used to control stress and anxiety, relieve insomnia, and reduce symptoms of certain types of chronic pain

5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise

Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. 

EFT- Tapping 

Tapping or psychological acupressure. People who use this technique believe tapping the body can create a balance in your energy system and treat emotional distress.