The Well-Being Care Kit


Welcome to The Well-Being Care Kit!

SISHK believes in the culture of well-being among our school community to help us flourish in both academic and social realms. The Well-Being Care Kit is designed to assist and educate the students, as well as the staff and parents, on how to look after our emotional well-being to ensure a positive learning experience for everyone in and out of school. We believe that student well-being is just as important as academic success. Studies have shown that students who are resilient and have a greater capacity for emotional intelligence, often perform better academically. Positive well-being has a greater impact on later life than academic success.

Well-Being Day 2 v2.mp4
Student Well-Being Day 2 (v2).mp4

Well-Being Day 1 --

Celebrating Happy Memories

SISHK Well-Being DAY 1.mp4

The first Well-Being Day at SISHK is on 30th October. The theme is “Celebrating Happy Memories”. It encourages students and parents to do things that they love, as well as to spend time with your loved ones to create fond memories that you will cherish forever. These happy memories are for us to savour for a lifetime and will help us navigate through difficult times of our lives.