Organizing That DLC Life...
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Getting To Trello

For users in our Simpson County Google organization accessing Trello can be as easy as going to your Google apps icon (in trainings I have called this the waffle) and going to almost the very bottom and clicking on the Trello icon. You can also visit and use the Log In With Google option.

You can also use a personal email to sign up for an account. If you choose to use your school gmail account I will discuss (on down the page) how to use it in conjunction with our Gmail.

Trello is a freemium product that in order to obtain ALL the bells and whistles you must pay a monthly subscription. I have found that I have been able to do anything and everything I need from Trello with the free account.


One great thing about Trello that I can't but to talk about is the flexibility of the program. It can be what you need it to be. Do you need a workflow in place for projects? Do you need a holding place for all your resources? Do you need a place to plan your next adventure? Trello can do all that.

As a TIS my boards certainly would look different than a classroom teacher but I feel that everyone can find a way to use Trello.

Use this link above to learn all about the different pieces of Trello and how to set up your Trello

How I Use Trello as a TIS/DLC?

I use Trello mainly for three things, a to do list, a project manager, and a resource holder. Everytime I have a big project or presentation due I create a seperate board for it. Then within the board I create lists for the different areas it involves. Most projects have a timeline list, a resources list, and a information list.

For presentations if you have your Trello "power up" as the Google Drive power up you can create a Google Slide straight from Trello. Starting with Trello allows me to visualize the flow of the presentation without scrolling through slides or having to copy and paste from Trello to Slides.

Desktop App or Web Based

iPad/iPhone App