For Teachers

Check out the Naviance PDF for:

How to Access Your Teacher Dashboard

Sort Your Letters of Recommendation Requests

Student Request Page

Completing the 3 Steps for Letters of Recommendation (LOR)

  1. Prepare the Common App Teacher Evaluation Form

  2. Upload Letter of Recommendation

  3. Submit Your Files

Completing Additional Student LOR Requests after Submission

Teacher Desk Reference Guide.pdf

LOR Timeline

Students are advised to follow these instructions:

  • September = Complete the LOR survey (Brag Sheet)

  • October = Ask their teachers via Zoom, Email, In Person (if allowed) for permission to request them for the LOR on Naviance

  • October through November = Teachers write and submit the LOR on Naviance

  • Most early deadlines for colleges is November 1st. Very few are October 15th and some are November 15th. Then more deadlines are December 1st through January 15th.

  • The student will not see your LOR as it is submitted through Naviance directly to the college.

Lor survey (brag sheet)

A student that is asking for a LOR from you must complete the LOR Survey (Brag Sheet.) This will help you add content and context while you write the LOR.

How to find the LOR survey?

  1. Click on the name of the Student requesting the LOR.

  2. Next to their name, click on the blue words "View Student Info"

  3. Click on the 3rd tab "Plan"

  4. At the bottom, click on the blue words "Letter of Recommendation Survey" (This is their Brag Sheet)

    • If it is not listed, then the student did not complete the survey.

  5. To get back to your Dashboard, click on "Naviance" in the upper left hand corner.

Teacher LOR_ Find Brag Sheet.pdf

common questions & errors

Error: There is an error message stating You cannot submit the LOR or the LOR is still "in progress"

Fix: The student has not matched their Common App to their Naviance. Once the two programs are "matched" then the LOR can be sent. Or the student has added the college in Naviance but did not add the college on their Common App. They need to make sure the college is appearing in both Naviance and Common App. If they need help with this, they can email or Remind text Mrs. Hong.

Error: I cannot sign into my Naviance account.

Fix: Email Mrs. Hong to resend you the signup email.

Question: Do UC and CSU colleges require LORs?

Answer: No, they do not ask for LORs. Certain impacted majors like nursing and music may, and that student will let you know.

Question: Are there examples of a good LOR that I can see?

Answer: Yes, check out these examples from MIT.

Question: Can I use this same LOR for scholarships?

Answer: Yes, some scholarships will take the same LOR and some will ask specific questions that you will need to edit the original LOR.


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