dual enrollment


Looking to take a community college course while still attending Royal High School?

Whether you are taking a college class at Royal or a class at Moorpark College, you MUST complete this entire process to register.

This entire process takes about 10-14 business days to complete.

Royal will be hosting 2 classes in the 2020-2021 school year:

Your Checklist

You will NEED to complete ALL these steps on the Checklist to Register for a Moorpark College class as a High School Student.

  • When you APPLY, you will be in High School and In College at the Same Time

  • This entire process takes 10-14 business days to complete.

Do NOT wait until the last minute!

  • Due to Royal and College Closures, the entire process will be completed online.

  • You will need 3 signatures: Your Counselor, Your Parent, and You

  • As a high school student, Your TUITION IS FREE but you will have to PAY MOORPARK COLLEGE fees between $27 and $31 per semester.

Make sure to pay so you are not dropped from the class

Step #1 MC Enrollment

If you applied last semester to Moorpark College, you do not need to fill out an application.

If you did not apply last semester, complete the following:

  • Have your Social Security Number (if you do not have this, you still can apply)

  • Use a personal email address (NOT your Royal school email)

  • You may have created an account in Freshman C&C Seminar class. If OpenCCC says you already have an account, try to RECOVER your account by going through the Forgot Username.

  • Make sure to write down your Username and create a NEW password. Save both of these.

  • Once you are in your account, Update your address, cell phone number, email address (use personal)

  • If you cannot recover your username and/or password, Call: 877-247-4836 or Email: support@openccc.net They are very nice and will help you! It may take 5 minutes for someone to answer the phone.

If you have any issues, please email or Remind text Mrs. Hong

Step #2 MyVCCCD Portal

You can ONLY go to Step #2 AFTER you have:

  • Submitted an application

  • Received a "Welcome to Moorpark College" email sent by "noreply"

Your "Welcome" EMAIL EXPIRES IN 20 days... After that, YOU HAVE TO CALL MC ADMISSION to resend the email.

Speak with Mrs. Hong for help if your email has expired.

  • Write down your NEW college ID number "900 number" - Where is my 900 number?

  • Complete the blue link "Start the MyVCCCD Setup Wizard"

  • Write down your NEW college username and temporary password. DO NOT LOSE IT... I lost my login info?

  • Complete the process until you are logged in your MyVCCCD portal

If you have any issues, please email or Remind text Mrs. Hong

Do you need to find a class?

Step #3: Required Documents

Make sure to follow the instructions to complete your MC Dual Enrollment Recommendation & Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)


  • You MUST include your NEW college ID 900 number.

  • You and your parent must electronically sign the MOU. See instructions below to sign electronically on your SmartPhone. Then you need to email it to your Counselor for their signature. They will email it back to you and then you can submit via the "Secure Submission" button (below.)

  • The MOU form (below) must be completed in full (include your 900 number) before you submit it through the MC "Secure Submission" button

  • Within 72 hours, you will receive an email to your MyVCCCD portal college email with your Dual Enrollment acceptance

If you have any issues, please email or Remind text Mrs. Hong

How to Electronically Sign Your MOU

How to Electronically Sign an MOU Form.pdf

time to register for your class

In Your MyVCCCD portal, Register and Pay for the course under "Register/Pay"

prerequisite clearance for your class

  • What is a Pre-Requisite? A class you must take first before taking a more challenging class

  • How do I know if my class has a Pre-Requisite? When you are looking at a class schedule, there is a column labeled "Pre/Coreq" If the words "Pre/Coreq" are in blue under that column, click on it. The description of the class will tell you the pre-requisite class you need to register for that class.

Example: CHEM M01A = Prerequisites: CHEM M11 or CHEM M12 or one year of high school chemistry, or equivalent and MATH M03 or two years of high school algebra (equivalent to Intermediate Algebra), or equivalent.

Step #1 Fill out the Clearance Form

Step #2 Email your High School transcript to mcprereq@vcccd.edu - This email must come from your MyVCCCD email account (not your personal or high school emails)

Step #3 Wait up to 72 hours for an email that states your Pre-Requisite has been cleared. Then go and register for the class.

You have registered for the class, now FIND YOUR COLLEGE COURSE IN YOUR MYVCCCD PORTAL

Find Your College Courses Online.pdf

Applying to Ventura or Oxnard College?

Moorpark College MC, Oxnard College OC, and Ventura College VC make up the Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD.) You can take classes at all 3 colleges by submitting ONE application per semester to ONE of these colleges.

** Oxnard College Dual Enrollment & MOU

** Ventura College Dual Enrollment & MOU

  1. When submitting the MOU, make sure to select the CORRECT college in the drop down.

  2. If you have already applied to one college for that semester and want to take another class at the other college, log into your MyVCCCD. At the top right, click the button "Sites" and switch colleges to register for the class at the correct college.

FInd the Class Schedule and Registration

Watch these videos that work for all 3 colleges: MC, OC and VC to find classes to take and learn how to register in your MyVCCCD portal.