College Applications

When are the deadlines?

  • Regular Decision = You have the option to apply to several schools, review offers of admission and financial aid, and then make your choice.

  • Early Decision = This deadline is earlier than their Regular Decision date. You can only apply to ONE college with an Early Decision. It is a binding contract, meaning if you are admitted, you must withdraw all other applications and attend that ONE college.

  • Early Action = This deadline is earlier than their Regular Decision date. You can apply to as many as colleges as you like with Early Action. It is non-binding, meaning you do not have to attend that college if you get accepted. Scholarship deadlines can often be the Early Action deadline.

  • Restrictive Early Action = This deadline is earlier than their Regular Decision date. You can only apply to ONE college with a Restrictive Early Action. You cannot apply to any other colleges under Early Action. You can apply regular decision. It is non-binding, meaning you do not have to attend that college if you get accepted.

*On your Common App, make sure you select the CORRECT DEADLINE. If you are applying for a November deadline, you are often applying "Early Action."

Do UC and CSU campuses have Early deadlines?

No, all UC and CSU campuses do not have Early Deadlines.

The UCs -AND- CSUs have one deadline = November 30th

How do I apply?

If you are applying to a UC campus, there is ONE application for all UC colleges.

  • Cost = $70 per UC college

  • Check out the Latest News from the UC colleges

  • Need a fee waiver? The UC application will let you know as you are filling out the application if you are able to receive a fee waiver. They will grant you 4 FREE waivers to apply to 4 UC colleges.

If you are applying to a CSU campus, there is ONE application for all CSU colleges.

  • Cost = $70 per CSU college

  • Check out the Latest News from the CSU colleges

  • Need a fee waiver? The CSU application will let you know as you are filling out the application if you are able to receive a fee waiver. They will grant you 4 FREE waivers to apply to 4 CSU colleges.

*In order to apply to a UC or CSU, you must have a grade "C" or better in your a-g classes. List of a-g classes

If you are applying to a California private school, or out-of-state college (most of them,) there is ONE application called the Common App.

  • Cost = Each college has a different application fee.

  • Need a fee waiver? The Common App will let you know as you are filling out the application if you are able to receive a fee waiver.

Some Colleges have their own application on their own website.

  • Application cost and fee waivers will be on their website.


You need to make 3 Lists: REACH, MATCH, and SAFETY colleges

  1. REACH colleges = colleges that are DIFFICULT to get into. Less than 40% chance to get in.

    • Examples: USC, Stanford, all Ivy League, all UCs except UC Merced, Cal Poly SLO, San Diego State, Long Beach State, Pepperdine

  2. MATCH colleges = 40-70% chance getting accepted

    • Examples: Chapman University, UC Merced, Loyola Marymount, BYU, Arizona State Honors College, most out-of-state private colleges

  3. SAFETY colleges = 70-100% chance you are accepted

    • Examples: CSU Channel Islands, University of Hawaii, Northern Arizona University, California Baptist University, California Lutheran University, most out-of-state public colleges

How do I find Colleges that are a Good Match?

STEP 1: College Visits on Royal's Campus

  1. Login to Naviance using your single sign-on through Google. You can also log in HERE.

  2. On the homepage, scroll down, on the right hand side, find "What's New" > Find the college visit that you'd like to attend > Click on "More Info" > Simply click the "Register Now" button to sign up!

  3. Be sure to show up for any visit you register for - they are here to see YOU!

STEP 2: SuperMatch to Find Colleges

    1. Click the COLLEGES tab at the top > click FIND YOUR FIT > click SUPERMATCH

    2. Choose FIT CRITERIA in the following 4 CATEGORIES ONLY - skip all criteria that is not listed below:

      • LOCATION = Which STATE(S) would you like to attend for school?

      • ACADEMICS = DEGREE TYPE, select ONE of the following based on what you will do immediately after graduation

        1. CERTIFICATE (usually 1-2 year program and is not a college degree) -OR-

        2. ASSOCIATE'S (if you plan to attend Moorpark College or another community college) -OR-

        3. BACHELOR'S (if you plan to attend a 4-year university like UCLA or CLU or CSU Channel Islands)

      • ADMISSION = ONLY input your current total weighted GPA and SAT/ACT score or PSAT score (if you have these)

      • STUDENT LIFE & ATHLETICS = Optional.... Click all that apply for you.

    3. Scroll down to see the LIST OF COLLEGES & "Favorite/Heart" Colleges > now move colleges to “Colleges I’m Applying To”