UC Application

tips & tricks about the uc application

The UC application does NOT ask for Initial Transcripts.

You will NOT send transcripts with your application. They might ask for Mid-Term transcripts in January and your counselor will send those via Naviance at that time.

The UC application does NOT ask for teacher or counselor letter of recommendations. ** Certain programs/majors might ask for a portfolio, essay, or letter of recommendation but they will let you know.

You will NOT submit any grades for Senior Year.

section 1: about you

Your background through Parent Information

The next 3 pages will ask you questions regarding your:

  1. Your Background

• Answers to questions on this page provide more contextual information about applicants and determine if they could be considered independent or dependent students.

• This information gives us a better understanding of their home environments, and helps us determine if they’re eligible for certain programs, scholarships or the application fee waiver.

  1. Your Household

• Students should report the number of persons living in their household and the annual family income. Family income is gross income from all sources, prior to deductions.

• Students who wish to be considered for a fee waiver must report family size and income. Filling out the family size and income information allows the UC application to automatically grant an application fee waiver if appropriate. (The application fee waiver calculation will appear on the Choose campuses page in the “Campuses & majors” section.)

• Dependent applicants: Will be asked to provide information about the parents they live with at their permanent address.

• Independent applicants: Will be asked if they live by themselves or with family members.

  1. Parent Information

There are two different Parent information pages, depending on how applicants answered questions on the Your background page.

• Dependent applicants: Have the option to add information for two parents (parents, step parents, legal guardians). Which parents applicants choose to provide is up to them and their unique situations. If applicants choose to provide information about a parent or legal guardian, they’ll be asked about the parent’s current job, education level and contact information.

• Independent applicants: Only have the option to provide their parents’ highest level of education.

personal information through your demographics

The first 4 pages will ask you questions regarding your:

  1. Personal information

  2. Contact information

  3. Citizenship & Residency

• Undocumented applicants have the option to choose “No selection” from the dropdown menu. This is option is a valid response, and we recommend this choice for undocumented applicants, including those with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status.

• If students select a country other than the United States or “No selection”, they will need to provide their legal immigration status and the type of visa (e.g., F-1, H4, etc.) they hold or plan to hold upon enrollment.

Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN):

• The university uses the SSN or ITIN to accurately and reliably merge the application for admissions with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). We also report it to the Internal Revenue Service, pursuant to the Taxpayer’s Relief Act of 1997. Students are required to disclose their SSN or ITIN if they have one.

• If applicants don’t have a valid SSN or SSN for work purposes, but do have an ITIN, use the ITIN in place of an SSN.

• If students don’t have a valid SSN, SSN for work purposes, or ITIN, leave this item blank.

• All SSN and ITIN numbers are encrypted and kept secure.

California residency:

• These series of questions appear only for certain applicants, based on their citizenship status.

• The questions help determine if applicants can be considered residents or non-residents for admission purposes only, which is separate from determining residency for tuition purposes.

  1. Demographics

• This page is optional. We collect demographic information for statistical purposes only. Providing demographic information does not affect the students chances of admission.

• New! Students can select Female, Male, or Non-binary as their gender selection.

• Campus admission offices are legally barred from using race, sex or ethnicity in the admissions process.

Your Household

In this section, you will

• Students should report the number of persons living in their household and the annual family income. Family income is gross income from all sources, prior to deductions.

• Students who wish to be considered for a fee waiver must report family size and income. Filling out the family size and income information allows the UC application to automatically grant an application fee waiver if appropriate. (The application fee waiver calculation will appear on the Choose campuses page in the “Campuses & majors” section.)

• Dependent applicants: Will be asked to provide information about the parents they live with at their permanent address.

• Independent applicants: Will be asked if they live by themselves or with family members.

section 2: campuses & majors

There are two different views of the campus selection page, depending on the size of the browser and the device you are using.

** Applicants who’ve entered their family size and income in the “About you” section will see if they’ve qualified for an application fee waiver on this page. Your fee waiver is good for 4 UC colleges.

choose campuses & majors

• Applicants should apply to multiple campuses to increase their chances of admission.

• All applicants must select a major for each campus to which they are applying (*it could still be "Undecided!"). Want to see which campuses have your major? Check here!

• If available, students should select an alternate major. If a campus is unable to offer the applicant a place in the first-choice major, they may consider them for an alternate major. Be sure the alternate major is in a subject area that the student really wants to study (and in some cases, it should be in a different area of study than the primary major).

• Majors are sorted by category or college. After selecting the major/alternate major, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save & continue.”

• Closed majors: Some majors are not open for every applicant level, for every term. To see closed majors, applicants can click the “show closed majors” checkbox on the major selection page. Note: If most of the majors are closed, students should check to see if they selected an incorrect applicant level or if it is past the application submission deadline.

• Supplemental applications: Some majors require submission of a supplemental application

• Professional schools and specialty programs are likely to require multiple documents and a supplemental application.

• Once the student selects the major/alternate major, if a supplemental application is required, the information will be displayed.

• If the supplemental application is not completed by the deadline date, campuses are not required to continue reviewing the application for admission.

• Most majors and schools requiring supplemental applications do not review an incomplete supplemental application.

UC San Diego college ranking

• If applicants are admitted to UC San Diego, they’ll be assigned to one of seven colleges on campus. These colleges are residential neighborhoods on campus with specific areas of focus and general education requirements.

• In addition to selecting a major and an alternate major, applicants applying to UC San Diego will need to rank the colleges at the campus in order of preference to have the best chance of assignment to the college of their choice.

The rankings do not affect the chances for admission to UC San Diego.

• College assignments are not based on major — applicants will be able to access the full range of available majors regardless of college assignment.

section 3: academic history

This section is VERY IMPORTANT as it is matching your A-G requirements for admission. You must follow along with your transcript and make sure it is absolutely correct.

  • Open your Aeries account to look at your classes to fill out this section. Use this website = It shows every A-G class at Royal and the name of it.

  • Health, PE, Sports, Teacher's Aide, Office Practice, and Leadership are not considered A-G classes, so, you will not enter any of these classes.

  • Some classes at Royal are located under the category "College-Prep Electives" = If you cannot find your class, look there.

  • Students must self-report all courses taken at every institution. All grades (including D/F and repeated grades ) must be included.

  • Official transcripts prior to high school graduation should not be submitted unless UC requests them from the student directly via email.

  • If you choose to attend a UC, your final transcript will sent by July 1 through Naviance by Royal's registrar.

high school coursework

Grade 1 = Semester 1 (Fall) and Grade 2 = Semester 2 (Spring)

7th & 8th Grade Classes

Only enter the classes as seen on your high school transcript. These include Math and Languages other than English in your 7th and 8th grade years.

9th - 11th Grade Classes

  • Click on each subject area and click on your classes for each semester with your grade for each semester.

  • If your class is only for ONE semester, under the grade, you will select "NO" for the semester you did not take the class.

  • Include all original courses/grades and enter repeated courses/grades for courses in which an original grade of with D or F was earned and subsequently repeated.

  • If you took summer courses after 8th grade but before 9th grade, you should enter them in the 9th Grade courses

12th Grade Classes

  • Do NOT submit any grades for your senior year. You will only select "IP" for In Progress, "PL" for planned or "NO" for No class. Even though grades have come out for our first two periods of senior year, your transcript is not updated until the fall semester is completely finished (January) so you do not select any grades for any 12th grade class.

  • The class "American Government or AP Government and Politics United States" is ONLY for ONE semester, pick one of these scenarios:

    1. If you are taking the class in the Fall semester = Select "IP" for Grade 1 and select "NO" for Grade 2

    2. If you are taking the class in the Spring semester = Select "NO" for Grade 1 and select "PL" for Grade 2

      • This class is found under the category 12th History/Social Science

  • Because the class "Economics or AP Macroeconomics" is ONLY for ONE semester, pick one of these scenarios:

    1. If you are taking the class in the Fall semester = Select "IP" for Grade 1 and select "NO" for Grade 2

    2. If you are taking the class in the Spring semester = Select "NO" for Grade 1 and select "PL" for Grade 2

      • This class is found under the category 12th College-Prep Electives

colleges attended in high school

Colleges attended while in high school: If any college/university-level courses were completed while in high school (including those completed as part of a dual enrollment program), applicants can add the college information after completing the high school section. The process is very similar to entering the high school information.

• Applicants should select the course taken, grade earned (or enter IP for In Progress, PL for Planned courses), and the A-G subject area in which the course fits.

• Applicants should only report courses taken for a letter grade; courses in which a Pass/Credit/No Credit grade were earned should not be included.

• UC-transferable courses in all A-G subject areas as well as non UC-transferable English and math courses can be reported in this section of the application.

• If there are other college courses that are not UC transferable or do not meet A-G requirements, applicants should report them in “Other coursework” in the “Activities & Awards” section.

• IF college/university courses were not taken at a CCC, applicants should enter each course and grade earned as it appears on the official academic record from the college/university attended.

Additional INformation

The last page in the section asks applicants to indicate if they:

• Know their California State Student ID number (and provide it if they do)

• Have any additional comments related to an impact on their academic history

The Additional Comments box can be used to provide detailed information or explanations about specific academic issues such as:

• Declining grades

• Course selection issues

• Gaps in education

• Repeated courses

• Courses taken in special programs

IMPORTANT: This is NOT an extra section intended for additional essays or comments about admission to specific UC campuses.

section 4: test scores


The University of California is now test-blind. This means that freshman applicants for fall 2022 and beyond do not need to submit SAT/ACT scores with their application. While applicants can still submit test scores, they won't be viewed or considered as a part of your application for admission. If an applicant doesn’t submit test scores, their application will still receive full consideration.

SAT SUbject Tests

SAT Subject Tests: These tests are no longer offered by the CollegeBoard or required for college admission.

AP Exams, Ib exams, TOEFL

AP exams, IB exams, TOEFL or IELTS and International exams: You will be asked about each of these exams on separate pages in the Test Score section. You’ll need to report your scores if you’ve already taken an exam or indicate if you’re planning on taking an exam in the future. It is recommended to report any of these that you have taken.

section 5: activities & awards

This is your opportunity to tell us about what you're most proud of outside the classroom. We're looking for quality, not quantity ­– so make sure to focus on the activities and awards that are most important to you.

How to maximize

You’ll need to classify each activity/award as 1 of 6 categories: Award or Honor, Educational Preparation Programs (any programs that have enriched your academic experiences or helped you prepare for college), Extracurricular Activities, Other Coursework (courses other than those required for UC admission/courses that do not fit in UC’s A-G subject areas), Volunteering/Community service and Work Experience.

UC conference Tips & Tricks for Activities & Awards

section 6: scholarships & programs

You should select any and all scholarship categories that apply to you (there’s no limit on the number of scholarships you can select). You can also indicate if you’re interested in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), which provides support services when you’re at UC.

apply for scholarships

You'll also need to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a California Dream Act Application (CADAA) if you are an undocumented student in order to be considered for every type of financial aid possible. FAFSA becomes available October 1st. See the Money tab at the top of this website to get started. *More info will be coming regarding FAFSA and financial aid!

section 7: personal insight

This is the section where you’ll need to answer the Personal Insight Questions (PIQ). You have 8 questions to choose from, and you must respond to only 4 of the 8 questions. Your responses are meant to be short and sweet. *TIP: Focus on simply answering their question :)

personal insight questions

Learn more about the Personal Insight Questions.

Use the Additional Comments field if there are issues you'd like to address that you didn't have the opportunity to discuss elsewhere on the application. This shouldn't be an essay, but rather a place to note unusual circumstances or anything that might be unclear in other parts of the application, such as noting extraordinary circumstances.

Click here for more guidance directly from the UC: PIQs: UC Guide for Freshman Applicants