Innovative learning Environments

What is an Innovative Learning Environment?

Innovative learning environments are learner-focussed with an emphasis on learner outcomes. They encourage collaboration and inquiry, both for learners and teachers, and allow teachers to teach in the style that best suits their needs of diverse learners, while allowing learners to learn in their individual style. 

An ILE is an environment where the National Curriculum is being expressed in the way it is intended. It is capable of evolving and adapting as educational practises evolve and change - remaining future focused. This reflects the fact that education needs to keep pace with the world we are preparing young people for. 

What does an ILE look like in the Reception Room?

Our Reception Room/Room 41 ILE, is not all that different from an ECE centre or kindergarten. Teachers and students work collaboratively across a larger space to share resources and to provide learning opportunities for students, that cater to social, emotional and learning needs. 

Children are placed under the care of a 'primary teacher'. The primary teacher is responsible for their own group of students, with day-to-day tasks like attendance, assessment/reports and communication with their whanau. Your child's primary teacher is your first point of contact with any questions or concerns regarding your child's learning and well-being at school.

While working in a collaborative way your child will no doubt build relationships with the other teachers. All teachers in our space seek to listen, support and understand every child so that we can create a positive and happy learning environment.