Our Story

Teams and mascots

KERI & Our Team Names Meaning

We have four Teams here at Silverdale, each with their own unique name and year levels they represent. 

The choice of Te Ohanga (The Nest), Kiwi, Pukeko and Tui as our team names fits with our journeying motto - "Learn to Journey, Journey to Learn"… from our fledgling learners through to our learners who push the boundaries of their learning.

Silverdale School is a values-based school where we put the emphasis on ethical and emotional intelligence, deepened relationships, social cohesion and a strong values culture.  Our school values were chosen by our students and our staff.

Kindness / Atawhai
Excellence / Hiranga
Respect / Whakaute
Integrity / Ngākau pono

These values are called our KERI values. 

Our school mascot is known as KERI and is the guardian of our school. KERI is a karearea bird, and the karearea was chosen because it was our Year 7/8 intermediate team name (back when we still serviced intermediate students)He is also a strong and resilient bird whose prowess is clearly recognised.

Like the karearea, we want our learners to take their learning to new heights. We want them to take risks in their learning and constantly push their boundaries exploring their learning world.  We want them to try new challenges and share their growing learning power.

Team Te Ōhanga  - Years 0 & 1's

A nest provides those that live in it all that they require to survive; food, warmth and shelter. It is a place to be nurtured and loved.

Our nest for the Year 0 and 1's is the starting place for all our learners to begin their learning journey. Everyone starts in the nest needing similar requirements to help them grow and become independent. The Nest nurtures our students and makes them have a love for coming to school, a love for learning, and realise that school is a place to have fun.

Team Kiwi - Year 2's

The kiwi is well grounded searching through the undergrowth for their food, ideally adapted to suit their environment. While they do not use their wings they are still there ready to use should the need arise. 

Our young learners are like this, fossicking amongst all that is to be learned, absorbed and adapted to suit the environment and each individual.

Team Pukeko - Year 3 & 4's

The pukeko is a bird that takes ownership of its world, engaging in short bursts of flight. The pukeko is eternally inquisitive, wanting to know everything that goes on about it.

Our Year 3 and 4 learners are like this - taking those bursts into learning, retracing their steps, seeking clarity and beginning to really push those boundaries of  learning.

Team Tui - Year 5 & 6's

The tui is a striking bird who is no longer a ground dweller but seeks to explore the tree tops. The tui is one of the early birds to announce its presence and sing with great skill and delight.

Our young people in Team Tui are like these birds. They are flexing their learning muscles, enjoying life and taking their learning into the wider world. They embrace life and learning.

Reporting to Parents

Here at Silverdale, we use the reporting platform called SchoolTalkThis is an online portal that enables you as parents to see at an instant where you child is at for reading, writing and mathematics.  We are extending this to also include the soft-skills or dispositions as they are also known; things such as your child's ability to communicate effectively, negotiate and compromise with others, their effort and stickability at tasks. 

As this is real time (live) reporting on the progress and achievements of your child, you are always kept in the loop with where your child is at in terms of their understandings and next steps.  You will also receive a synopsis of this both mid and end year, however this is simply taken from SchoolTalk's wider pool of information. 

You should receive an email with log-in and activation details from SchoolTalk within the first week of your child starting school.  Progressions will begin to be marked off after your child has been at school for a few weeks alongside photos of your child's learning.  Be sure to check your spam mail for the email if it doesn't arrive in your inbox. For SchoolTalk questions contact lynnscott@silverdaleprimary.school.nz

SchoolTalk instructions for parent portal

PB4L & Restorative Conversations

Restorative Script

PB4L stands for Positive Behaviour For Learning and supports schools and ECE settings to build inclusive learning environments and meet the goal of success for every student and child. 

We use Restorative conversations as a means to address unwanted or undesired behaviours.  Restorative Conversations... 

Enhancing social and emotional skills has lasting and lifelong positive effects.  Punishment as a means of behaviour management is outdated and proven to not be effective.  When a child does not know a maths concept, we teach them it.  The same goes with behaviour!  If a child does not know how to behave in a setting or situation, we teach them.