Supported CS Courses in the High Schools

Siena's CSforAll program supports teachers in offering the four computer science courses below.  The first is a high school level course and the other three are dual-enrollment college level courses that can be taken for only high school credit or both high school and Siena College credits.  Siena provides complete course curriculums and materials that teachers can adapt for their classroom, professional development in the summer and during the school year, and general support year long.  Course descriptions are included below along with some examples of student work.

Discovering Computer Science 

(1 year, 1 high school credit)  

This is an introductory course for students with minimal prior experience in computer science. The course presents an overview of the history, principles, and transformative applications of computer science, as well as a comprehensive introduction to programming. Students will start by programming in a blocky language that will allow them to express themselves by creating interactive games, animations, and stories, while learning the fundamentals of computer programming.  Students will continue to develop their programming and problem solving skills using the text-based language Python.  Finally, students will learn how to design their own website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

Click for course description, learning goals, and software requirements. (Note:  The software requirements will be updated to a new platform for AY24-25.  Please contact for more information.)

This course will meet all 9-12 NYS Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards by September 1, 2024.

CSIS110 Introduction to Computer Science with Python and Multimedia 

(full year dual-enrollment course, 3 Siena College credits) 

This Siena College dual-enrollment course is a broad introduction to a variety of fundamental topics in computer science through the theme of multimedia.  Using the Python programming language, students express themselves creatively and solve problems involving images, sounds, and animations.  Students are also introduced to important computer science topics including data representation, computer organization, history and societal impact of computing, and artificial intelligence.  Students taking this course at the high school can earn 3 college credits for a (flat) $200 tuition rate.  Tuition is waived for students qualifying for free or reduced lunch.  Some examples of student work are shown below.

CSIS120 Introduction to Software Development

(full year dual-enrollment course, 4 Siena College credits) 

This Siena College dual-enrollment course is an introduction to object-oriented software development using the Java programming language.   Students will develop and practice the skills needed to write, modify, document, test, debug, and trace the operation of computer programs written in Java. Specific concepts and task that students will develop proficiency with include variables, data types, control structures (sequence, selection, and repetition), arrays, ArrayLists, methods, objects, and classes. Students will develop problem solving skills and be able to translate algorithmic solutions to a Java implementation.  Students taking this course at the high school can earn 4 college credits for a (flat) $250 tuition rate.  (Tuition is waived for students qualifying for free or reduced lunch.)   

CSIS180 Web Design

(full year dual-enrollment course, 3 Siena College credits)

This Siena dual-enrollment course is a hands-on course covering the history and development of the Internet, the Web and the core technologies used to implement modern websites. Students will design and implement websites using semantic markup languages, style sheets, and various software tools and applications. The course will include techniques for integrating a wide range of media formats, and design fundamentals needed in implementing effective, user- friendly websites.  Students taking this course at the high school can earn 3 college credits for a (flat) $200 tuition rate.  (Tuition is waived for students qualifying for free or reduced lunch.)