Published Papers & Presentations

Published Papers:

Pauline White, Robin Flatland,  James Matthews, Jesse Moya, and Kathryn Schiller. 2024. Discovering Computer Science: A High School CS Course Co-developed by College & High School Teachers. In Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pages 1855-1856. 

Jesse Moya, Robin Flatland, James Matthews, Pauline White, Stacey Hansen, MaryAnne Egan. 2023.  “I Can Do That Too”: Factors Influencing a Sense of Belonging for Females in High School Computer Science Classrooms.  In Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pages 680-686 

Robin Flatland, James Matthews, Pauline White, MaryAnne Egan, and Jesse Moya. 2022. Building CS Teacher Capacity Through Comprehensive College/High School Partnerships. In Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education  (SIGCSE). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pages 606–612.  

R. Flatland, J. Matthews, and P. White. 2021. Mathematics Teachers Should Lead on the New NYS Learning Standards for Computer Science. New York State Mathematics Teachers’ Journal.  pages 50-55, Vol 71, No. 2. 

Presentations and Workshops Supported by Grant (with names of high school teachers/administrators bolded) :

Elizabeth Pegarella, Maureen Conway, Jim Matthews, and Robin Flatland. Calling on Math Teachers To Teach Computer Science. Hudson Mohawk Valley Area Math Conference.  Schenectady, NY.  March 2024.

Ellen Falk, Jessic Guthrie, Jim Matthews, and Robin Flatland. Calling on Math Teachers To Teach Computer Science. Ten County Math Educators Association Conference.  Suffern, NY.  March 2024.

Elizabeth Pegarella and Jim Matthews. Four CS Courses and a Support Network for High School Teachers. AMTNYS 73nd Annual Fall Conference, 2023. 

Katy Schiller, Jesse Moya, Stacey Hansen, Robin Flatland, Jim Matthews and Pauline White. Increasing Computer Science Teacher Capacity & Equity through a Research-Practice Partnership during COVID-19.  Presented at the University Counsil for Educational Administration Annual Convention (UCEA), 2023.

Norval Connell, Jess Guthrie, Lisa Ruud, Elizabeth Pegarella, Dillon Johnson, Robin Flatland, and Jim Matthews. Developing High School CS Programs Across Diverse School Settings: Successes and ChallengesCSForNY State Summit.  September 28-29, 2023.

Robin Flatland, Jim Matthews, Pauline White. Comprehensive Support for Teachers in Offering Four CS Courses and Certification - No CS Experience Necessary.   CSForNY State Summit.  September 28-29, 2023.

Jesse Moya. Gender and computer science: Factors influencing a sense of belonging in high school courses. Paper presentation accepted for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. April, 2023.  

Rachel Peschieri, Maureen Conway, Robin Flatland, and Jim Matthews. High School Computer Science and Math Teachers: The Five Ws and One H. Ten County Math Educators Association Conference.  Peekskill, NY.  March 2023.

Jess Guthrie, Robin Flatland, and Jim Matthews. High School Computer Science and Math Teachers: The Five Ws and One H. Hudson Mohawk Valley Area Math Conference.  Albany, NY.  March 2023.

Robin Flatland and Jim Matthews. The NYS Learning Standards for Computer Science and Digital Fluency: Challenges and Opportunities. Western Suffolk BOCES. Long Island, NY. January 13, 2022.

Robin Flatland, Jim Matthews, Pauline White. High School Computer Science: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How! AMTNYS 72nd Annual Fall Conference, October 28-29, 2022.

Pauline White.  Discovering Computer Science: An Engaging and Inclusive First Course AMTNYS 72nd Annual Fall Conference, October 28-29, 2022. 

Norval Connell, Robin Flatland, Jim Matthews, Pauline White.  Supporting High Schools and Teachers in Teaching CS, Becoming CS Certified in NYS, and Joining a Professional Learning Community with Siena College.  2022 CSForNY State Summit.  September 30 - October 1, 2022.

Pauline White.  Lessons in Developing a High School CS Course for All Students and the Impact on Advanced Placement Opportunities.  2022 CSForNY State Summit.  September 30 - October 1, 2022.

Julianne Ross-Kleinmann, Jesse Moya, Norval Connell. Equity in CS Education Panel. 2022 CSForNY State Summit.  September 30 - October 1, 2022.

J. Matthews and R. Flatland.  Math Teachers Will Need to Lead on NYS Learning Standards for Computer Science. Hudson Mohawk Valley Area Mathematics Conference. Clifton Park, NY. March, 2022.

Pauline White. Join Our PLC, Teach Discovering CS, and Meeting the New NY CS Standards. Hudson Mohawk Area Mathematics Conference. March, 2022.

R. Flatland, J. Matthews, P. White, M.A. Egan, and J. Moya. Building CS Teacher Capacity Through Comprehensive College/High School Partnerships. Presentation at the ACM Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), March 2022.

J. Guthrie and P. White. Who Can Do CS?: A Diversity in CS Project. CSTA New England Conference, October 2021. 

K. Rea and P. White. Beyond Coding: Learning the Who and Why in the CS Classroom. CSTA New England Conference, October 2021.

M. Conway, J. Guthrie, P. White. A Partnership Opportunity to Meet and Exceed the New NYS CS Learning Standards. AMTNYS 71st Annual Fall Conference, November 3-6, 2021.

Robin Flatland, Jim Matthews, Pauline White, Rachel Linehan, Rachel Peschieri, and Maureen Conway. Three Computer Science Courses and Support Network for your High School Students.  AMTNYS 71st Annual Fall Conference, November 3-6, 2021.

D. Lim, D. DiTursi, R. Flatland, I. Goldstein, J. Matthews, S. Vandenberg, E. Breimer, and P. White. How to create, host, and successfully run a High School Programming Contest. Consortium on Computing Sciences in Colleges Northeast, 2021. 


J. Matthews, R. Flatland, and M. Zamansky. Recruiting Students Into CS Teaching Certification Programs. Led discussion session on this topic at Liberal Arts Computing Curricula: Innovations, Challenges, and Opportunities, SIGCSE 2020 Pre-symposium Event. 

P. White and E. Pegarello. Meeting the Needs of All Learners in an Introductory Computer Science Classroom. Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State Annual Conference (AMTNYS), 2020. 

J. Guthrie, R. Linehan, M. Conway, R. Flatland, J. Matthews, and P. White. Great Opportunities for Math Educators Interested In Teaching Computer Science. Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State Annual Conference (AMTNYS), 2020. 


 Last updated April 2024.