CSforAll Program Impact

Siena's CSforAll team has been working on secondary computer science education for over twenty years.  In 2014 we began providing professional development to help teachers start new CS classes, many of whom had never taught CS before.  Each year we continue to increase the number of high schools and teachers that we are working with to improve and broaden participation in CS in upstate New York (and beyond).   With the help of a recent National Science Foundation CSforAll:RPP grant, we have been able to greatly expand our reach.  Below is some quantitative data on our program for this year (AY23/24).  

37 high schools are currently working with Siena's CSforAll team.  Although most of these schools are in Upstate New York, we also work with schools in western NY and downstate.

37 high schools are offering Siena's supported CS classes.   12 of these are urban high-needs schools and 15 are rural schools.   

Approximately 1000 high school students were enrolled in a high school CS class supported by Siena in AY2023-2024. 

High school teachers have sucessfully completed 63 CS courses at Siena.   

Two Siena College undergraduates graduated meeting the requirements of Siena's newly approved Initial Teacher's Certification in CS program.  

 Last updated January 2024.