HS Rules and Procedures 

Classroom Rules:

Classroom Procedures: 

To encourage students to follow our rules, I will support appropriate behavior with praise, notes and positive calls home.

However, if a student chooses to break a rule, the following steps will be taken: 

Grading Policy The grade for this course is based on studio projects, planning, participation, critiques, research, art criticism, presentations, and Sketchbook assignments. Studio projects are graded according to rubrics that include areas of assessment such as: effort, demonstrated knowledge of concept, classroom working habits, composition, and use of media. Overall grade is calculated on the following scale: 

Overall grade is calculated on the following scale: 

65% School Projects 

15% Attendance, behavior,  participation and sketchbokk assignments 

20% Final Exam 

Stimson  Middle School  & Walt Whitman High School  (631) 812-3700 

Contact me via e-mail : lsalta@shufsd.org