HS Creative Crafts Rules

Classroom Rules:

  • All students will be in the classroom ON TIME and in their assigned seats

  • All students will keep the area clean and wear a mask when needed during class time

  • You must respect the teacher, your peers, the materials and the Art room.

  • NO FOUL Language

  • NO Cell phones

  • Only Positive comments and No Negative comments.

Classroom Procedures:

  1. The first five minutes the teacher will take attendance for all students.

  2. Virtual students will be marked absent if not attending google meet at the 1st 5 minutes of their class time

  3. All students must bring Chromebooks / charged to class

  4. Students will enter the room, go to their assigned shelf's take out their projects and supplies and be seated at their assigned seats.

  5. Students will be getting their assignments through google classroom and google meet which have to be worked on each day.

  6. All Remote learning students will do their work through google classroom. Students at home will be working on projects that will go along with the subjects that we are working on in school.

  7. 5 minutes before the end of class all in school students will clean up and put their supplies and projects back on their assigned shelf's.

To encourage students to follow our rules, I will support appropriate behavior with praise, notes and positive calls home.

However, if a student chooses to break a rule, the following steps will be taken:

  1. Warnings up to three

  2. Phone call home

  3. Go to the Discipline Office/ Disciplinary write up/ Phone call home

Grading Policy The grade for this course is based on studio projects, planning, participation, critiques, research, art criticism, presentations, which will be done during virtual learning. Creative craft projects are graded according to rubrics that include areas of assessment such as: effort, demonstrated knowledge of concept, classroom working habits, composition, and use of media. Overall grade is calculated on the following scale:

80% Projects

20% Attendance/Behavior and participation