Past Projects

Research Questions 2019-2020

Why do ants exhibit necrophoresis?

What are the effects of UV light on corals?

What can trigger different behaviors of cuttlefish?

What behaviors, sounds, or patterns do clown fish perform in order to communicate and how far do these signals travel?

- How screen time effects gamma waves?

- How will more internet usage over time increase depression, resulting in new unique brainwave patterns?

What determines where the fish are located in the tank and why they bahave the way they do?

The Effects of Suicide Related Instagram Posts on Global Depression and Hospitalization Rates

How do differnt chords in songs affect the brain?

How can influences distort our memories?

How do different chords in songs affect the human brain?

How can I easily extract bioactive compounds from macroalge?

How I can use these compounds that I extracted?

How coral associated bacteria can be used in biomedical applications.

Development of 3D printed prosthetic hand controlled by voice

Topics of Interest:

-When you shake someones hand for more than 2 minutes, your DNA can transfer onto their hand and they can perceive to transfer your DNA to other objects that you did not touch.

-When there is not enough genetic diversity in coral reefs, then they are less likely to survive.

-How can we grow coral?

How can I create an inexpensive moisturizer from CBD oils?

How can I create an inexpensive moisturizer without heat and hyaluronic acid?

Effects of certain common chemicals on aquatic environments

Coral bleaching recovery through the reintroduction of Zooxanthellae.

Does weather affect mood?

Does UV light affect coral in any way

Does UV light affect coral?

A person is able to take an officers firearm due to no lock being on the officer's holster.

How to purify water using alternative energy sources?

Building a tank to help raise fries ORRRR Using machine elarning to assist in the care of fish

How to purify water using alternative energy sources?

The effect of micro plastics on electrical conductivity of sat water.

I am going to attempt to build a bioreactor using algae to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. At the end of this project, I am hoping that this machine will suck in as much CO2 as a few trees would in the forest and my main goal for this project is to get rid of Global Warming.

How can you extract and culture zooxanthellae to introduce to coral?

We will study micro-plastics which are a huge issue in the environment because they are unable to disintegrate and end up in people’s water and seafood that they consume. We are wondering if more populated areas contain more micro-plastics than less populated areas?

Exploring possible correlations between spiral density waves and AGN in spiral galaxies

How can I use water to make a miniature electrical current?

How can I use raspberry pi to track the trajectory of objects moving in air?

The Correlation between the Geomagnetic Field and Cosmic Radiation

how do certain factors affect algae

The affect of CO2 on algae

How can I make a fully autonomous gunshot detection system

Can a machine learning A.I be reproduced

Can we train an artificial intelligence to detect scam websites effectively?

Can we create a program that allows ALS patients to use computers with their eyes? Also, is this an effective way to operate computers?

How does the pH level of water affect coral calcification? What can we do to reduce the acidity of the ocean?

How may a neural network be used to detect misinformation and disinformation?

I am attempting to break the language barrier between people of different native languages using a Raspberry Pi and voice technology.

Can my invention be used to help improve security/surveillance or help improve therapy by giving a means of finding the general emotion of the patient?

How aggressive can Go AIs be when subjected into harsh conditions and strategies they use.

We are trying to develop a software app that translates ASL (American Sign Language) for the average person to understand.

Research Titles 2019-2020

What are some possible research questions or problems you are going to explore this year?How does environment affect the spawning rate of Marine LifeHow can machine learning help aqua cultureCoral disease solution and preventionsHow aggressive an AI plays can change the outlook of neural networks and the Monte Carlo Tree Search PlayoutsHow to use data science to explore neuroscience correlations?How to revive unhealthy coral using a quarantine tankHow coral dipping effects their healthThe development of a coral aquaculture quarantine systemHow to revive unhealthy coral in a quarantine tank?How does coral dipping help the health of coral?The development of a coral aquaculture quarantine tank.How dos the aftermath of an impact effect chances of a concussion? Does the angle or direction of the hit change the chances and severity of a concussion?How can we use what we know about multi-drug resistant tuberculosis to prevent future cases?- Development of an Algae Bioreactor- How does the amount of CO2 affect algae growth?- What is the relationship between CO2, pH and algae?- How do different types of fertilizer affect algae growth?How the local variations in the Earth's magnetic field affect cosmic radiation levels.I am going to explore the affect on skin hydration that a moisturizor and specific ingredients will can we build a cost effective biomedical scooter.are there more organized ways of recording tank conditions?Building a new system for the rotifersNudibranch and Aiptasia relationship (Predator/Prey) How we can reduce Aiptasia growth in tanks and how Nudibranchs prey upon the anemone
Development of a radio telescope, correlation of radio telescope and cosmic radiation, creating a radio monitoring system with a raspberry piCan I create a coral nursery to help distressed coral?Correlation between MRI, PET, and Pathology of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer patientsCan we use a hydraulics powered exoskeleton to lift more weight than an average humanCan we punch through a wall with an exoskeletonDevelopment of Biomedical Mobility Scooter- The relationship of EEG waves to emotionsHow to create a pitch-tracking solar panel system/How to increase the efficiency of solar panels using microcontrollers?How can I develop a raspberry pi machine learning/time lapse system?ExoSkeleton developmentHow can we improve the health of coral using mutualistic crabs?How can we use an ethogram to measure the behavior of acro crabs?How large of a dosage of boiling water will cause a change in an aquatic environment? At what temperature of an aquatic environment will aiptasia die (as a model for coral)?Determine how pH affects the concentration of Calcium and Magnesium?Bioreactor developmentAiptasia growthHow to use a raspberry pi for cloud storage?Does Lactobacilllus acidophilus grow more with honey or table sugar?Does aspartame inhibit the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus?What is the ideal salinity range for Brine Shrimp? How does pH and nitrifying bacteria affect artemia?Is it possible to create a artificial intelligence for translating languages in ESL classrooms? Would an artificial intelligence be effective in an ESL classroom?Does Lactobacillus acidophilus grow more with table sugar or honey?Do artificial sugars inhibit the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus?How can I convert Solar Energy to heat a coil to purify water?1. What are the effects of lowered dissolved oxygen on zebra fish's respiration rate?2. How does lowered dissolved oxygen effect the fish's behavior?can 3d printed model be used during surgery to better visualize the issue?How would I decrease the amount of nitrates and phosphates in the water?How will I Increase algae growth?How would a pH change from 8.2 to 8.1 affect Zooxanthellae reintroduction to bleached coral?the effect on the brain. the growth of communication, reasoning and judgement and the ability to focus.The Effects of Binaural Beats on AnxietyCan an autonomous car drive in and around weather? Can i edit this autonomous car in code so it can avoid and/or drive through such weather?What is the effect of herbicides on the biodiversity of 23 different flowers.Does live rock affect calcium levels?How can we reduce the spread of mosquitoes by creating a unique mosquito trap?What is the Symbiotic relationship between a Watchman Goby and a Tiger Pistol Shrimp?
How do Watchman Goby court each other?What is the most efficient amount of salt for a catalyst in electrolysis? Is electrolysis a plausible way of creating clean drinking water?

Research Titles 2020-2021

Creating An Inexpensive Moisturizer With The Use Of CBD Ingredients

Consumer neuroscience in relation to social media

The Development of an audio classifier for heart murmur detection

Analyzing Covid Trends on Long Island School Districts.

The Development Of A Cheap Gas Detector Using Arduino

The Effects of Blue Light on Virtual Learning Using an EEG

coral identification app

Coral Identification App

How much carbon dioxide is in a mask

Micoplastics in Our Lives

Microplastics In Our Lives

Writing a Program to Calculate the Hottest Day of the Year

Biological Controls Of Aiptasia And Bubble Algae

The Effects of Blue Light on Virtual Learning

The Effect Of Temperature On The Pulsation Of Heteroxenia Fuscescens

The effect of Brown Tide in the Great South Bay with suggestions of prevention

Real-time Drowsiness Detection Using Facial Feature Classification

How And Why Sounds And Music Can Change Perception Of A Scene Or Event

The Detection Of Emotion Through A Vocal Machine Learning Program

The Amount Of Radiation Emitted From Modern Technology

COVID-19 in Private Schools on Long Island

Concussion Testing With Accelerometers

The effectiveness paper masks have on blocking micro plastics from being potentially inhaled

"The Effect Of Phthalates On The Growth Of Yarrow"

A System To Detect Earthquakes

Survey of High School Students and Parents to Determine the Level of Belief in Misinformtion About COVID-19

How Does Positive Reinforcement Affect Student Achievement.

The Effectiveness Of Food Styling In Fast Food Marketing

Survivability Of Sloped Armor

Impact paper masks have on blocking micro-plastics for potentially being inhaled.

The Analysis of Misinformation Stimuli on Different News Platforms regarding Covid-19

Machine Learning: Positive Vs. Negative Reinforcement

The Thermometer Mask

The Development of an IOS application that translates American Sign Language (ASL) into written/verbal speech.

Fire Detecting Drone

The Effect Of Classrooms During The Covid-19 Pandemic And Its Affect On Student's Cognitive Development

The effect of brown tide in the Great South Bay with suggestions of prevention

The Effects Of Different Solvents In A Makeup Remover

The Best Social Distancing App

The Development Of A 3D Printed Anti-Fogging Object Over A Mask

The effect of learning enviornment upon Teenage Stress.

Concussion Testing Using Sensors

The Effect Of Blue Light On Sleep

Clownfish vs. Guppy Breeding

How Does Positive Reinforcement Affect Student Achievement?

Clownfish vs Guppy Breeding

The Thermometer Mask

How much carbon dioxide is in a mask