Computer Science
Computer Science Research Projects
Anthony Maida
Anthony Maida Senior president of the Coding Club is developing a computer system in Python to evaluate the effectiveness of using the Fast Fourier Transform for anomaly-based intrusion detection. In the process, he has learned how to implement data structures, signal analysis, and machine learning algorithms through computer programming.
Marc Malafronte
A senior research student analyzing the effects of regolith (martian soil) on the Perseverance Rover using PhysX SDK simulation software. Marc Malafronte programmed a physics simulation with PhysX SDK Software to test the effects of regolith (martian soil) depth on the Perseverance rover's movement. Marc's research addresses the inefficient speed of martian rovers, which is an obstacle to their operation. Marc's research aims to prove that the most-recent Perseverance rover can move at slightly faster speeds without unnecessary risks. As a result, the rover will be able to explore more land, make more discoveries, and boost overall efficiency with long-term benefits. In the process, Marc learned C++ programming language and had his first experiences using online repositories and other programs such as PhysX SDK and Visual Studio. He also gained some experience with 3D modeling. This is an image of the Mars Rover and Mars habitat from Marc’s simulation
Paul Chinsky and Jacob Albert
developed an app to measure the difference in stress levels between subjects with and without binaural beats. They are developing this app with the use of cardinal kit to address the increase in stress and anxiety in students in recent years. In the process they learned how to develop an IOS app, use iPhone sensors to collect data, and different ways of measuring stress levels in participants.
Jacob Gillet
- A senior is developing a reaction control system for model rockets with a Arduino flight controller. In the process, he learned how flight control works with aerodynamics.
Image of his Gyroscope testing system
Zhara Choudry
A senior researcher is trying to determine the biodiversity of microorganisms found in the gut microbiome in patients with MS and Patients without MS. She is developing a R pipline that will identify the different species of microorganisms. She is learning R, Python and how to use linux.
This image is a output example from Zahras R code showing different microorganisms species.
Lucas Hill
-A 9th grader wants to reduce stress and anxiety. He is developing a VR environment for reducing stress and anxiety. He is learning how to program and use Unity. Below is an image of his project so far.