6th Science: Climate Change

Assignment Instructions


(Make a copy for your own use.)

(Make a copy for your own use if you need one.)

For more on taking notes, follow the "Taking Notes: An Example" link in the table of contents on the left or scroll to the bottom of the page.

What to include and how to write your report.

Research Tips

Topic-Specific Information


How it impacts our health, housing, & water supply.

Wildlife & Habitats

How it threatens species and their environment.

Farming & Food Production

How farmers will cope with temperature changes and what crops might be impacted.

Changing Oceans

How our oceans will change and the impact on the marine life, and people who live by the coast.

Innovations and Technology

How technology and new products will become useful and important in the fight against global warming. 

Glaciers and the Polar Region

How are glaciers are impacted. How it impacts animals that live in polar regions.

Global Efforts

How governments and scientists track climate change, and efforts to stop global warming. 

Extreme Weather

How extreme weather and storms occur as a result of climate change.

Flooding - Rising Seas

How flooding impacts communities and the measures being taken to deal with rising seas.

Climate Change Videos

Taking Notes: An Example

This "Taking Notes" document walks you through taking notes, with the help of the short video below.