Last Program of 2020

There is a Community Sit on Sunday 12/27 from 10-12 Noon.

And on December 29, 30 and 31st my plan is to sit each day three periods and on New Year's even, I am adding a fourth period at 11:30 pm.

Let's have several days of reflection to end the year together. Choose the periods that work for you. The regular last Sunday morning sit is on 12/27, so I plan to make a 'week' program for myself, through the New Year.

The first period is at 7:30 am, the second is at 12:00 pm Noon, and a third period is at 7:30 pm, except on the last day, when a fourth period is added at 11:30 pm.

I will ring a bell every few minutes during the last period of the year in my virtual home zendo, but be muted. You might want to ring a bell in your home to mark the ending of the year. You decide.

At the end and after our regular chant, we will unmute and wish each other a Happy New Year.

Here is a Gatha from Thich Nhat Hanh you might want to use

Body, speech and mind in perfect oneness I send my heart along with the sound of this bell. May the hearers awaken from their forgetfulness and transcend the path of all anxiety and sorrow.

Everyone is welcome to join this end of the year program. Come to all, or whatever the parts that fit your own schedule.

Let's remember the year past, our nation and the world as it circled through a very difficult time. And let's also inspire ourselves with intentions and practice for 2021.

Music, poetry, art, or anything that calls you to quietly reflect.

Mediation is of two sorts, generally. Unconstructed or Constructed.

I find using guided or constructed meditation, that is practices of Tranquility and Compassion useful, before open source contemplation or awareness.

Some things traditionally that have been done in 'retreat mode'

  • copying a sutra

  • work, quietly and reflectively

  • walking meditation

  • listen to online dharma talks

  • read an inspiriting book, quote or passage

  • Petting a dog or cat

  • Making a quiet meal with family or whomever you are in a bubble with

Make your own list and share it with others.

My plan is to do some house cleaning (temple cleaning). Nadine and I will do an hour a day. And quietly work together to get our home temple clean and neat for the New Year.

On New Years Eve, we will add an evening snack before 11:30 a perhaps quietly sit or talk and then finish the year sitting with you.