Shenendehowa FIRST Lego League Tribuilding Club


We build robots out of Legos using Spike Prime and then program our robots to complete missions. These missions are based on a theme each year and require the robot to do certain tasks with the mission model in order to earn points. Teams have 2 minutes 30 seconds to run all their programs at the competition table.

The Spike Prime can be programmed using building blocks or Python/MicroPython, and they both use different software. We created a large library of Python functions that we use to program the robot, called a boilerplate.!

Here are some examples of robots and code:

LEGO Education Spike Python - Gyro Follow

LEGO Education Spike Python - Line Follow

Gary - The CaptiBytes' robot this season (Masterpiece)

LEGO Education Spike Word Blocks - 

Gyro Straight

Mr. Mango - The Robotic Renovators' Spike Prime from RePLAY (2020-2021)