People Around Karigon
Mr. MALIK Jones
Mr. Jones is the principal of Karigon Elementary. He works with the teachers and students. He helps keep our school safe and makes sure students learn. We will see him each morning in the hallway.
Main Office Staff
Mrs. Almaviva
Principal's Secretary
Principal's Secretary
Mrs. Almavia is the Principal's Secretary at Karigon.
Mrs. Stein
Principal's Aide
Principal's Aide
Mrs. Stein is the Principal's Aide and keeps things running smoothly.
Mrs. Romano
Attendance Secretary
Attendance Secretary
Mrs. Romano does attendance and sign-in. She thinks it is very important to be in school on time.
Mrs. Twiss is our Karigon School nurse. Nurse Twiss is in the Health Office in case you feel sick or get injured while you are in school. Students will also go see Nurse Twiss for hearing and vision screens. If you lose a tooth at school, be sure to let her know and you will receive a special surprise! Look for the Band-Aid painting on the wall near her office to find her.
Mrs. Mackenzie Stocchetti &
Mrs. Debra Reinisch
Mrs. Stocchetti is our school psychologist and Mrs. Reinisch is our school counselor. They will work with our teachers to help us solve problems at school.