Karigon Classrooms


If you are starting kindergarten, here are some things to know:  Our classrooms are warm and welcoming!  Each kindergarten class is unique and the lessons are fun and engaging.  If you are ready to learn, we promise you'll have a blast!  We have fun learning about letters and numbers In our Kindergarten classrooms.  We have fun every day during morning meeting,  making projects, having centers time, specials like PE, Library and Tech Time. We will have special guests throughout the year to teach us about fire safety, arctic animals, furry neighbors, different habitats, and more!  We get to play together and learn about our classmates through the year too.  We love our Karigon Kindergarteners!

1st Grade

Are you ready to zoom off and learn about the sun and the solar system? In first grade we have so much fun! We build on skills introduced in kindergarten. At Karigon, we used a theme based program. With each theme, we dive deep into a greater understanding of the  world we live in and how to incorporate learning into our daily lives. Some themes include various animals, bats, owls, oceans and holidays around the world. Through a hands-on approach, we teach multiple ways to solve math problems.  We practice social skills and how to appropriately react to peers and adults. We use age appropriate technology into the classroom. We have iPads and even begin to introduce chrome books.  You will become a reader with help from some special friends “Mama and Baby Echo”.   We make learning fun!

2nd Grade

Second Grade at Karigon is very exciting! We get to learn about so many great topics like plants, erosion and communities.  We also get to learn about two and three digit addition and subtraction in Math. Second graders often get to learn about Power Titles in Writing from an author in residence in the spring. We have so much fun learning in second grade!  

3rd Grade

Welcome to third grade where our motto is “Be Kind, Work Hard, Play Nice, and Dream BIG!” In third grade,  you will grow by learning about lots of things! You will become a digital citizen by using your own classroom Chromebook. You will study communities throughout the world, use Smithsonian Science (a hands-on science program that brings that uses 3D learning), and of course multiplication, multiplication, multiplication!  You will learn how to write longer papers when we do our infamous “Who Was” Wax Museum project!  You have nothing to worry about at all - just remember to “Keep Calm Because Third Grade Rocks”!  

4th Grade

 When you begin the 4th grade, you can expect to have some deeper level learning!  We will be studying NY State history throughout the year and will have some fun field trips to Mabee Farms and the NY Capital and NYS Museum to learn even more!  We have a Birds of Prey Program that comes to Karigon and we will learn about immigration.  We enjoy figuring out new ways to work with multiplication, division and fractions; have lots of fun with hands-on science units on energy, motion, earth processes and animal communication.  We will do some whole group read-alouds, as well as small group and individual reading as well, using Reading Journals to enhance our learning.  You will love 4th Grade at Karigon!

5th Grade

Fifth grade is an exciting and positively challenging transitional year! From starting higher level math to conducting research for essays and beyond, this is the year that we will enter the realm of deeper study in writing, reading, math, science, social studies, and the arts. Throughout the year, you will use your reading and writing skills to study various social studies and science units. Fifth grade at Karigon is also a time for celebrations! From 5th Grade’s Got Talent to our end of the year field trip to The Great Escape and Moving Up Ceremony we are all about making the most of our last year as Karigon Cougars!