Clifton School

We have established a new partnership with Clifton School in Rotherham, and in particular the year 7-8 children in the school.

Essential Information:

This project is co-produced with year 7 and year 8 pupils from Clifton School in Rotherham. These pupils will be assigned creative activities that they will engage with to support their confidence and self esteem. The project team will include an educational psychologist (Anthony Williams) and two poets (Andrew McMillan and Helen Mort) together with a visual artist (Zahir Rafiq) and a musician (John Ball). This will contribute to the resources on artistic methodologies with a focus on cohesion work in schools. Kate Pahl and Vicky Ward from the critical thinking group will also develop a creative evaluation of the project with the pupils.

The team will develop, jointly with the school, a series of workshops that will aim to support young people’s communication skills through poetry and visual art.


We aim to explore how creative and artistic methodologies chime with a focus on children’s agency and ability to articulate their ideas as active learners. Art opens up new opportunities for minority ethnic children to learn about their own history and heritage.