
About TYSProject

The Taking Yourself Seriously project, funded by the AHRC through their Connected Communities programme, aims to create a set of co-produced resources that are concerned with arts methodologies with a particular focus on researchers in the voluntary and community sector. The project is linked to ARVAC as they represent that sector.

We are interested in what artists do when they work with communities and what methods they use. These might include visual, experiential, linguistic, tactic, and emotionally attuned ways of doing things. These methodologies can enable diverse forms of knowledge to be surfaced. We want to look at the potential of artistic methods for community researchers to use in ways that make a difference.

Aims and Methodologies

We aim to:

Integrate methodological approaches from the arts and humanities in the context of enquiry around localised issues of social cohesion.

How will we do this?

We aim to work in the following three sites to achieve this: a school; an adventure playground; a Muslim Women's community organisation.

Read more about our projects, aims and objectives here.