Adventure Playground

Our community worker Patrick Meleady and artist Steve Pool are leading a research project that explores social cohesion, with a focus on the artist in residence. Steve will support the work of the playground and blog about the experience of residency (see the blog below).

Below is a short film that foregrounds the brilliant work of those working at Pitsmoor Adventure Playground; the film is focused on a connected communities' initiative, supported by Sheffield University and the Arts and Humanities Research Council, known as the "Utopia" project. This project was also carried out in partnership with "Live Works" - a University of Sheffield initiative led by the Sheffield School of Architecture.

As a fundamental Playworker at Pitsmoor Adventure Playground, Patrick Meleady believes that "art, like play, should be freely chosen; it should be liberating".

Those who work (and who volunteer) at the Adventure Playground, including Patrick himself, are committed to art in all of its forms, whether it be used as a means of communication, creation, imagination, challenge, or enjoyment. The recreation ground has undertaken numerous art projects, some spontaneous and others planned, in adherence to children's and young people's wishes: "they have all been extremely enriching". A prime example of a previous, enriching art project is the aforesaid "Utopia" project - as documented in the video to the right.

For more information about the "Utopia" project, and information about how this project, amongst others, has inspired our current project, please visit the relevant blog post by clicking here.

Taking Myself Seriously:

Steve has created a separate blog, Taking Myself Seriously, that he believes will prove insightful to everybody and anybody who wishes to learn more about, and keep up-to-date with, this current project.

The blog offers a detailed account of how the project is engaging with Pitsmoor Adventure Playground and vice versa.

You can access his blog here.