
Call for Contributions

Call for contributions is now closed! You can find the full information here.

Keynote Speakers

Prof Laurel Trainor - Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour - McMaster University, Canada

Dr Mai Kawabata - Royal College of Music, London

Dr Julian Cespedes Guevara - ICESI University, Colombia


Anna-Maria Christodoulou, RITMO, University of Oslo - Introduction to Multimodal Music Analysis

Dr Esbjörn Wettermark, Department of Music, University of Sheffield - Ask a Friend - a collaborative approach for peer-interview methods

Dr Sam Garwood and Dr Tijana Close, University of Sheffield - Identifying the impact of your research

Dr Rebecca Ehata, Careers & Employability Consultant for Researchers, University of Sheffield - So what do YOU want to do next? Exploring post-PhD career options

Panel Discussion

Landon Peck, Mimi (Katherine) O'Neill and Abbigail Fleckenstein - Wellbeing, mental health and the PhD process

Social Dinner

Thursday, 19th October 2023, at 19:00 (BST) @ Kommune

Address: Castle House, Angel St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S3 8LS