Presenter Guidelines

Oral Presentation

Oral presentation will be 12 minutes long, followed by 3 minutes of discussions and preparation for the next talk. The presentation will be grouped into sessions of 4 or 5 presentations. Please prepare slides to accompany your presentation. For in-person presentations, we will be using a shared Windows laptop, so please prepare your slides in Microsoft PowerPoint and bring them ready on a USB stick before your session. Connecting personal laptops will not be possible. During the break before the start of your session, find your session chair and transfer your slides to the laptop. If you are presenting online, screen sharing will be available as usual. You can get advice on how to structure your talk here. 

Blitz Talk

A blitz talk is a 5-minute presentation. Although blitz talks will not be followed by time for Q&A, discussions are highly encouraged after the talks and during the online networking slots. The presentations will be grouped into sessions of 6 or 9 presentations. For in-person presentations, we will be using a shared Windows laptop, so please prepare your slides in Microsoft PowerPoint and bring them ready on a USB stick before your session. Connecting personal laptops will not be possible. During the break before the start of your session, find your session chair and transfer your slides to the laptop. If you are presenting online, screen sharing will be available as usual. You can get advice on how to structure your talk here. 

Poster Presentation

All posters will be displayed online via SpatialChat, and no physical copies will be displayed at the Edge. More information about how to use SpatialChat will be shared with the poster presenters and delegates soon. Posters are great for summarising findings in a brief and aesthetically appealing manner. SpatialChat will enable poster presenters to engage online and in-person delegates in direct casual conversations about their poster and research. Time slots of 30-60 minutes will be dedicated to poster presentations, as well as online networking, and both online and in-person delegates will be encouraged to join. Posters should be made in portrait or landscape format and saved as a PDF file. Tips for giving an effective poster presentation may be found here. 

Please submit your poster by 6/10/2023 via Oxford Abstracts (as a PDF file under the section labelled “Supplementary materials”).