
We currently collaborate with:

Prof. Andrew Fleming, University of Sheffield, UK. Role of CIPC in the suppression of potato sprouting and engineering rice for improved photosynthesis.

Dr Sam Amsbury, University of Sheffield, UK. Signalling sex in plants; roles of receptor kinases in fertilisation.

Dr. Frank Johannes, Technical University of Munich, Germany. Effect of stress on plant (epi)genetics.

Dr Korbinian Schneeberger, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany. Effect of stress on plant (epi)genetics.

Prof. Jurriaan Ton, University of Sheffield, UK. Using epigenetics to improve disease resistance in crops.

Prof. Cyril Zipfel, The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, UK. Malectin domain kinases in plant fertilisation.

Prof. Ueli Grossniklaus, The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, UK. Malectin domain kinases in plant fertilisation.