Researching Heritage and History with Under-Served Communities Toolkit

 The toolkit has been made as a living document so it can grow over time. This flexible guide emphasises the fact that professional approaches need to be able to change to the needs of communities they are working with.

This current version of the Toolkit, written in 2022-2023, is based on Roots and Futures’ recent practical examples of project co-design, delivery and evaluation. It aims to give examples of best practise and things that practitioners should think about when developing community-facing history and heritage consultations, especially when working with under-served communities. 

While there is a focus on heritage within this Toolkit due to the nature of Roots and Futures, many of the ideas can be applied to other types of consultation with under-served communities.

The Toolkit will go through a series of tests after this initial release. Roots and Futures will be working with organisations during 2023-2024 to support them using this Toolkit to make sure that it is easy to understand and use by professionals. These tests will then feedback into an updated version.

Free to Download Versions of the Researching Heritage with Under-served Communities Toolkit

We would love to hear about how you have used the Toolkit and what worked and didn't work in the for your project. 

This information is important as it will help us improve the Toolkit and keep it up to date.

If you would like to make any comments or contribute examples of practise using this Toolkit please fill in quick this Google Form or email your thoughts to

Any Questions?

Hi, I am Courtenay the post-doctoral researcher on the Roots and Futures Project. If you have any questions about the Toolkit please do get in contact. 

My email is: