Community Outcomes

Roots and Futures has been working with community groups to support current delivery and feed into their current programmes of work. This has helped to ensure we do not put further pressures on already stretched community resources. We have imbedded capacity strengthening into the projects funding structure by ensuring our partners are compensated for their work, in a means suitable to their needs and requirements for example through financing, training or access to resources. Through this we have worked together with communities to not only support their delivery, but also to create resources that they saw were missing within the city.

In 2022-23 our project consisted of:

533 community members participated in over 100 hours of consultations.

In 2022-23, together with out community partners, we held:

Alongside paying community partners for their time and input into the project we also wanted to say thank you by responding directly to some of their needs, so we:

When holding community consultations we have wanted to use inclusive and accessible space where community members feel comfortable. We have ensured that the spaces were:

Overall we used 7 buildings and a series of outdoor locations including: