Live Projects

The Live Projects are a pioneering educational initiative introduced by the School of Architecture at the University of Sheffield. The projects draw on the School’s exceptional research base as well as the commitment, vision and resources of highly talented students. Running since 1999, the initiative is responsible for over 250 completed projects, each of which is archived below.


Developing strategies for the reuse of public urban voids, starting with Furnace Park, Sheffield.

Sep 12

Working with the Regather co-operative towards unlocking the potential of their grade II listed building in Sharrow.

Sep 12

Exploration and creative development of the GIST space in the Workstation, Sheffield.

Sep 12

What if…? A Scrapbook of Ideas for the Parson Cross Neighbourhood.

Sep 12

Exploring the potential futures of the derelict Sheffield Ski Village and its role within the wider community.

Sep 12

Creating a vision for a new village hall and surrounding green space in Wincobank, in the North East of Sheffield.

Sep 12

Developing a plant house with members of the Hulme Community Garden Centre.

Sep 12

Considering quality, design and community links in residential care homes of Sheffield.

Sep 12

A resource aimed at encouraging Doncaster’s youth to engage, explore and invent their city’s built environment.

Sep 12

The design and prototype build of STIC at Ecclesall Woods Sawmill.

Sep 12