
Payment of expenses

Claims for hospitality expenses are governed by the University’s Travel and Business Expenses Regulations (SIA 2) which can be found on the Managing Financial Administration page, under ‘Supplementary information’ (University login required). 

Examiners/assessors: The University will reimburse reasonable costs incurred by external examiners, external assessors and independent assessors in the course of their duties, including standard travel, reasonable accommodation, limited subsistence costs and postage costs. Further details are available below.

Schools: Schools can claim reimbursement for expenses relating to external examiners/assessors, such as visits to the University and attendance at examination boards, as per the below guidance. 

Please note that the payment of hospitality costs differs depending on the level of study examined. Please see the Guidance for Staff document for further information.

How to claim

Examiners/assessors: Please complete the relevant Claim Form for your role, and provide itemised receipts, within three months of the expense being incurred. You can submit Claim Forms for your expenses throughout the year.

Schools: Please complete the expenses claim form. Supporting forms (Travel and Accommodation / Hospitality forms) are required together with itemised receipts for each claim.


We encourage all external examiners, external assessors and independent assessors to travel by public transport to any meetings, where possible. We would normally cover the cost of the standard fare only, other than in very exceptional circumstances and only by prior agreement. If you are in any doubt about whether travel expenses will be reimbursed or have any queries please contact the External Examiners Team at examiners@sheffield.ac.uk in advance of any expenses being incurred. 

When travelling by train you are asked to travel by standard class rail only. Any claims received outside of this will only be reimbursed up to the cost of Peak Standard Class rail fare. 

Motor mileage allowance (45p per mile) will be paid only where travel by car is essential, although the use of a private vehicle would be regarded as exceptional where rail services are available for journeys exceeding 40 miles from Sheffield. Indication of “exceptional circumstances” will be expected for claims falling outside this regulation. If travelling by car, we advise that you make use of the multi-storey facilities at either Durham Road or Solly Street. Both sites have pre-booking facilities available for you to make your own arrangements regarding length of stay, etc, the cost of which can be reclaimed on expenses if original receipts are attached with the claim form. 

Air fares may sometimes prove more economical for a journey, or may be required for those individuals travelling to or from other countries. Where this need occurs tickets should be economy class and should be agreed with the External Examiners Team, in the Academic Programmes and Quality Team in advance of making a reservation. 

Taxi fares will be reimbursed where appropriate e.g. as completion of journey from station to the University. However, taxis should not be used as the main form of transport for a journey.


Accommodation should be booked in a reasonable quality, reasonably priced hotel (c£85 per night) of which there are many around the City of Sheffield. Wherever possible such bookings should be made via the relevant school. Reimbursement will be made for the cost of the room, evening meal and breakfast 

Where meals are not taken in the hotel, separate, original receipts should be obtained and reference should be made to the section on Subsistence.

Items of a personal nature such as mini-bar drinks, newspapers or pay per view films will NOT be reimbursed by the University. Where these items appear on a bill, they should be settled by the individual on checking out or deducted from the amount claimed.


Subsistence expenses, and any others essential to the performance of your duties, will also be paid, subject to receipt of an itemised bill.  Childcare costs do not fall into this category.

The daily subsistence allowance for lunch and breakfast (where breakfast is not included in the cost of accommodation) is up to a maximum of £10. For lunch / day requirements alone, it is up to a maximum claim of £6. 

Itemised receipted evening meals for individual examiners will usually be reimbursed in full. However, excessively expensive claims or those where it appears that the individual is claiming for more than one person will be challenged. The University reserves the right to decline payment, either in part or in full, of any expense item which is considered to be unreasonable or excessive.

No Alcohol Policy

Please be aware that the University will not pay expenses for alcoholic beverages which, for example, may be consumed as part of a meal.  Where these items appear on a food bill, then they should be settled by the individual directly or deducted from the amount claimed.