Information for External Examiners

This page provides information to help external examiners carry out their role at the University of Sheffield. Full details can be found in the Code of Practice.

Types of External Examiner

Please see the Code of Practice for full details of the different roles. 

Programme Examiners

A programme external examiner is appointed to provide an independent overview of one or more whole programmes of study, including all subjects, modules and themes. All programmes must have an external examiner appointed. 

Subject Examiners

A subject external examiner is appointed to provide independent oversight of particular subjects, modules and/or themes only within or across programmes of study. Subject external examiners are typically appointed where a programme has specific elements that benefit from additional expertise or scrutiny, such as languages or medicine. 

External Assessors

External assessors are appointed to integrated higher and degree apprenticeship programmes only. The role of the external assessor is to ensure that apprentices are assessed effectively, each End Point Assessment (EPA) is valid and reliable, and the completion, achievement and certification of apprenticeships is credible and reliable.

 The external assessor undertakes a sampling of assessment and internal quality assurance decisions regarding the EPA in order to confirm that the University is upholding the relevant national standards. 

An external assessor is also usually the programme external examiner for the same programme(s). 

Fees and payment


External examiner fees are calculated based on student numbers (FTEs) per programme code. For full details of how fees are calculated, please see the External Examiner Fee Calculations document

External assessors receive an additional fixed fee. For full details, please see the External Assessor Pay Rate document.

Payment is made by the University Finance Team. For undergraduate examiners, payment is made at the next available payroll after the examiner's report and claim form are received. For postgraduate examiners, payment is made following processing of your invoice. 

Expenses are claimed by providing a signed claim form and scanned copies of receipts within three months of the expense being incurred. Expenses can be claimed throughout the year. Please see Expenses for more information about permitted expenses. 


Report forms

External examiner and external assessor reports should be submitted no later than four weeks after the date of the final examination board.

Claim forms

View information about how to claim your fee and reimbursement for expenses incurred. 

Links to regulations, policies and guidance

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