Submitting to Turnitin

Before submitting your coursework through Turnitin, please watch the short video here, which provides an introduction to the software.

Ensure that your work has 1.5 line spacing and that each page is numbered.

Add your registration number and the module code to the header of each page.

Conduct a word count.  You will need to add this to the end of your work.

Log in to Blackboard

Click on the module for which you are submitting work

Click the ‘Assessments- submit your assessment here’ folder in the left tool bar on the module home-page.

Use the Coversheet provided and save your work, ready to  submit via Turnitin

Click onto the title of your assessment. Your Screen should look like this:

At the top of the screen, click on the arrow to view the assessment instructions/any relevant information. Select the blue 'Upload' button to enter the submission portal. 

Please use your REGISTRATION NUMBER as your ‘Submission Title’.

Click on the ‘Choose file’ button, then find the CORRECT assignment on your computer. After this, click the blue ‘Open and Review’ button. This will then give you a preview of the document, be sure to DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING IS CORRECT before proceeding.

Once you are happy, click on the blue ‘Submit to Turnitin’ button.

To get a copy of your receipt, click on 'Download Digital Receipt' when it appears in the green bar. Or click the icon in the right hand corner. 

If you are having any problems with the above, please contact the Admin Team at: